vault-plugin-secrets-kubernetes copied to clipboard
Vault secrets manager plugin for kubernetes
Vault secrets manager plugin for kubernetes
This is a Secret Manager plugin for Kubernetes. Instead of this plugin adds ability to generate kubernetes tokens with ttl. Secrets will be created for selected ServiceAccount. This plugin is useful for creating secure deployments, as the created tokens expire after TTL and actually there are no tokens with higher privileges for the namespace for the rest of the time.
- Works only with RBAC
- Creates only Secrets, you can't create ServceAccounts, Roles or RoleBindings through plugin
- Main token rotation is not implemented yet
How to setup
Kubernetes part
First of all we need to create special ServiceAccount, Role and RoleBinding. This Role has only access to create/get/delete Secrets.
$ kubectl create -f example/clusterrole.yaml # ClusterRole
$ kubectl create -f example/sa.yaml # ServiceAccount
$ kubectl create -f example/clusterrolebinding.yaml # ClusterRoleBinding
$ # Lets get all needed credentials
$ kubectl describe sa vault
Tokens: vault-token-c8wgn <-- This is secret name
$ kubectl describe secret vault-token-c8wgn
token: <SA token will be here>
$ export TOKEN=<SA token>
$ kubectl get secret vault-token-c8wgn -o yaml
ca.crt: <one line of base64 encoded CA>
$ export MASTER_CA=<master CA>
$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at https://my-cluster-domain-name:6443
$ export MASTER_URL=https://my-cluster-domain-name:6443
After this step your should have:
- Vault ServiceAccount token
- Kubernetes CA base64 encoded in one line string
- Kubernetes API URL
Vault part
- First of all put plugin binary to your vault plugins directory (
- Add and enable plugin
$ export PLUGIN_NAME=vault-plugin-secrets-kubernetes
$ export SHA256SUM=$(sha256sum vault/plugin/vault-plugin-secrets-kubernetes | awk {'print $1'})
$ vault login
$ # Add plugin to catalog
$ vault write sys/plugins/catalog/${PLUGIN_NAME} sha256="${SHA256SUM}" command=${PLUGIN_NAME}
$ # Enable plugin
$ vault secrets enable -path=k8s -plugin-name=${PLUGIN_NAME} plugin
$ vault secrets list # Check for plugin in catalog
- Configure plugin
$ vault write k8s/config token=${TOKEN} api-url=${MASTER_URL} CA=${MASTER_CA}
$ vault read k8s/config
If write was successful, that means vault successfully checked the login to Kubernetes and we ready to use the plugin.
How to use
Kubernetes part
Create ServiceAccount with required Role
$ kubectl create -f example/deploy-bot-role.yaml # Role
$ kubectl create -f example/deploy-bot-sa.yaml # ServiceAccount
$ kubectl create -f example/deploy-bot-rolebinding.yaml # RoleBinding
$ cat deploy-bot-sa.yaml | grep name
name: deploy-bot <-- Save SA name
$ kubectl get sa deploy-bot -o yaml | grep namespace
namespace: my-namespace <-- Save namespace name
Vault part
Notice: sa means ServiceAccount
$ vault write k8s/sa/deploy-bot namespace=my-namespace service-account-name=deploy-bot
$ vault write k8s/secrets/deploy-bot ttl=60 # Create secret for deploy-bot with TTL 60 seconds
Gettings help
$ vault path-help k8s/config
$ vault path-help k8s/sa/name
$ vault path-help k8s/secrets/name
Work with multiple clusters and namespaces
Just enable plugin with different paths:
$ vault secrets enable -path=us-west2 -plugin-name=${PLUGIN_NAME} plugin
$ vault secrets enable -path=us-east1 -plugin-name=${PLUGIN_NAME} plugin
Use namespace name in plugin sa name
$ vault write k8s/sa/my-namespace-deploy-bot namespace=my-namespace service-account-name=deploy-bot
How to build and run locally
- make, sha256sum (apt-get install make coreutils)
- golang ~1.10
- docker
- docker-compose
- vault CLI utility
$ make test
$ make build up init-plugin
$ VAULT_ADDR= vault login # token = 123qwe
$ VAULT_ADDR= vault path-help k8s/config
Request: config
Matching Route: ^config$
Configure the Kubernetes backend
CA (string)
Kubernetes apiserver Certificate Authority (base64 encoded)
api-url (string)
URL to kubernetes apiserver https endpoint
max-ttl (duration (sec))
Maximum time a secret is valid for. If <= 0, will use system default.
token (string)
ServiceAccount token with permissions to list, create, delete Secrets
ttl (duration (sec))
Default lease for generated secrets. If <= 0, will use system default.
The Kubernetes backend requires credentials for managing Secrets in cluster. This endpoint is used to configure those
credentials as well as default values for the backend in general