payment copied to clipboard
iOS class="cc-number"
i am using version 2.4.4 of your library.
the form has the novalidate
the page will not move away from focus of the credit card number on iOS 14.6
Have i missed something in the documentation?
Not that I am aware of but don't you have to hit "Done" link on the keyboard numeric input in IOS to close it and move on?
when i hit "done", the keyboard disappears but the card number is still highlighted in yellow and when i try to click a different field, it just brings me back to the card number
Let me see if I can reproduce it.
When I try it here on my iPhone it works...
the way it works on that links is different from the documentation
on the input box for the card number I have class="cc-number". this seems to be what is causing the problem
<input name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$tbPPCardNumber" type="text" id="tbPPCardNumber" class="four columns cc-number unknown" inputmode="numeric" x-autocompletetype="cc-number">
ahh yeah i am mapping it differently there.
I'm having the same problem in Safari on desktop and mobile.
Can't tab or click away from the credit card number input field after calling formatCardNumber(input)
This began after updating from 2.4.3
to 2.4.4
The only real change was this one...
@melloware I'm wondering if it's this line that's causing the problem
When 'blur' happens, reFormatCardNumber is causing the field to focus again.
That is definitely the problem. I would stay on 2.4.3 for now.
I wonder if instead of reformatCardNumber
i just do..
QJ.on el, 'blur', formatCardNumber(maxLength)
this seems to work on iOS and on Chrome on desktop
QJ.on(el, 'keyup', reFormatCardNumber);
Can you please review my PR?
@melloware Are U talk with me ? I 'am a noob in gayhub. sorry bro.
My issue is in Card Number Can't Be Blur In IOS When Input Card Numbers jessepollak/card#527
OK I just deployed Payment 2.4.5 to NPM
Can you try again?
@jessepollak it looks like all PR's are being blocked because the build is no longer running. Can you disable that check so I can merge PR's?