nvim-noirbuddy copied to clipboard
How do i use it with a Neovim distro like LazyVim?
So lazyvim uses the tokyonight by default and when i disabled tokyonight and use noirbuddy instead the problem is that i can not make lazyvim use the preset.
-- Noirbuddy: A highly customizable minimalist monochromatic colorscheme
return {
dependencies = {
{ "tjdevries/colorbuddy.nvim", branch = "dev" },
lazy = true,
priority = 1000,
opts = {
preset = "miami-nights",
styles = {
italic = true,
undercurl = true,
bold = false,
{ "LazyVim/LazyVim", opts = { colorscheme = "noirbuddy" } },
how do i tell lazyvim to use the miami-nights
thank you beforehand for any help