foldingtext-for-atom icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
foldingtext-for-atom copied to clipboard

(Text mode) Move lines not branches

Open jessegrosjean opened this issue 9 years ago • 3 comments

When moving items in text mode treat them as just lines of text. So for example if an item has children don't move them along with the item.

jessegrosjean avatar May 28 '15 23:05 jessegrosjean

I think (that especially in conjunction with the markdown package) this has the biggest positive impact in user experience. I know that when I tried to import text from another source and then tried to create a hierarchy, sometimes the text would jump to a different place then I would expect from an editor.

quincyrondei avatar May 29 '15 06:05 quincyrondei

@jessegrosjean I notice that ⌘A doesn't really "Select All" as expected. Is this related?

jackbrannen avatar May 29 '15 13:05 jackbrannen

@jackbrannen Not directly… I tried to make Select All a bit "smarter" by making it progressively select larger things… keep doing it and eventually you'll select all… but now that I think about it that experiment isn't working so well (irritates me too). I'll create a separate issue for it.

jessegrosjean avatar May 29 '15 14:05 jessegrosjean