DropboxSync copied to clipboard
Dropbox to iOS sync
Hey, I have done an update to work with the latest dropbox SDK. Feel free to review and merge if you see fit. Thanks Nick
Hi Jesse, Found this one in the course of "pull the cable" testing. If Dropbox is unreachable when you start a sync, FolderSyncPathOperation can't load metadata. The db client will...
[ImgBot](https://imgbot.net/docs/) reduces image file sizes losslessly with [ImageMagick](https://imagemagick.org/index.php), [Svgo](https://github.com/svg/svgo), and [MozJpeg](https://github.com/mozilla/mozjpeg). Here are its results for this repository: *Total -- 103.72kb -> 75.95kb (26.77%) ``` /DropboxSDK/Resources/[email protected] -- 15.70kb -> 6.08kb...