GameCreator copied to clipboard
A public project to share Game Creator tools, resources, documentation and log bugs.
Need to steam in the log file line by line or limit the size of the file when writing to it.
Need to update the docs to display the return type for API calls.
When a really long word is on a line and gets cut off, the word starts on the next line. It should stay on the same line then be split...
Need to support: - [ ] foo ++ - [ ] foo -- To do this, run a regex on the lua string before it is passed to the interpreter.
The tilemap is not importing sprites from the correct start index. It's going bottom up so if the tilemap is not high enough, the top of the tilemap.png is cropped.
Tools should have their own sound effects that play when clicking on buttons, etc
Really need a way to capture slider mouse release when using for sound sliders.
Make sure components have simple redraw methods that can be called externally without needing to do a full update to help optimize UI performance