autoremove-torrents copied to clipboard
data cannot be removed. Reason: The server responses HTTP 405.
您好,关于删种时xx data cannot be removed. Reason: The server responses HTTP 405. 该报错是哪边出问题呢?
The issue is from this bit of code in autoremovetorrents > client > Seems something has changed with the method on qBitTorrents end, but not sure what the fix is
# Batch Remove Torrents
# Return values: (success_hash_list, failed_list -> {hash: reason, ...})
def remove_torrents(self, torrent_hash_list, remove_data):
**request = self._request_handler.delete_torrents_and_data(torrent_hash_list) if remove_data \
else self._request_handler.delete_torrents(torrent_hash_list)**
if request.status_code != 200:
return ([], [{
'hash': torrent,
'reason': 'The server responses HTTP %d.' % request.status_code,
} for torrent in torrent_hash_list])
# Some of them may fail but we can't judge them,
# So we consider all of them as successful.
return (torrent_hash_list, [])
Same problem. The server responses HTTP 405.
I can't find any documentation about it, but it seems like maybe the 'deletePerm' command has been removed from the qBittorrent API?
I can't find any documentation about it, but it seems like maybe the 'deletePerm' command has been removed from the qBittorrent API?
Im in the same boat, it looks like the command is still correct per the API documentation
From the qBitTorrent Implementation:
Delete torrents Requires knowing the torrent hashes. You can get it from torrent list.
Name: delete
Parameter Type Description hashes string The hashes of the torrents you want to delete. hashes can contain multiple hashes separated by |, to delete multiple torrents, or set to all, to delete all torrents. deleteFiles If set to true, the downloaded data will also be deleted, otherwise has no effect. Example:
Currently this file looks like this:
# Batch Delete torrents
def delete_torrents(self, torrent_hash_list):
return self._session.get(self._host+'/api/v2/torrents/delete', params={'hashes':'|'.join(torrent_hash_list), 'deleteFiles': False})
# Batch Delete torrents and data
def delete_torrents_and_data(self, torrent_hash_list):
return self._session.get(self._host+'/api/v2/torrents/delete', params={'hashes':'|'.join(torrent_hash_list), 'deleteFiles': True})
Something has changed on the qBitTorrent end but it doesnt seem to be documented
Same here
I found a working fork from ludoux here:
Apparently the api calling method was wrong and he fixed it with this commit:
Yup sorry fixed mine with that same change as well. Turned out its due to qBitTorrent complying with using POST instead of GET for anything that requires a change.