breakpoints icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
breakpoints copied to clipboard

jQuery Responsive/Breakpoint Optimized Library.


What is this?

Breakpoints is a light weight jQuery library to detect and manage breakpoint changes. Breakpoint was originally written to optimize large single page sites with too many binds on resize causing performance issues. While still achieving the previous goal it has also been re-written to assist with general breakpoint management.


How to use

Include breakpoints library after jQuery, then initialize globally or on any page you want to use breakpoints.

$(document).ready(function() {

Bind to window's event breakpoint-change and listen for breakpoint changes or bind to one of the compare triggers to react to specific breakpoints.

Package Managers


bower install jquery-breakpoints


npm install jquery-breakpoints


Listening for Breakpoint Changes

Breakpoints will trigger breakpoint-change when the viewport enters a new breakpoint. The returned event will include from and to on event indicating the previous and new breakpoint.

// Basic Bind
$(window).bind("breakpoint-change", function(event) {

// Example Usage
$(window).bind("breakpoint-change", function(event) {
  if ( === "md") {

Listening for Specific Breakpoints Then Execute

Breakpoints will trigger compare triggers followed by the breakpoint name. All of the comparing methods have a trigger with the exception of lessThanEqual which conflicts with greaterThanEqual. Compare triggers will send on initializing.

$(window).on('lessThan-md', function() {
  // Do something when viewport is less than 992px

$(window).on('greaterEqualTo-md', function() {
  // Do something when viewport is greater or equal to 992px

$(window).on('inside-md', function() {
  // Do something when viewport is greater or equal to 992px BUT less than 1200px

Customize Breakpoints

Set breakpoints based on website/application needs. Note the naming will change the the compare triggers.

  breakpoints: [{
    "name": "phone",
    "width": 0
  }, {
    "name": "phone-large",
    "width": 420
  }, {
    "name": "tablet",
    "width": 768
  }, {
    "name": "desktop",
    "width": 1024
  }, {
    "name": "desktop-large",
    "width": 1340

// Compare Trigger
$(window).on('greaterEqualTo-desktop', function() {
  // Do something when viewport is greater or equal to 1024px

Use Namespacing

Using namespaces will allow unbinding of specific breakpoint-change if necessary.

$(window).bind("breakpoint-change.megamenu", function(event) {
  // Will get unbound

$(window).bind("breakpoint-change.footer", function(event) {
  // Won"t get unbound


Comparing Specific Breakpoints

Checking against the current breakpoint and if it matches the criteria execute the callback function. This method is not constantly listening for changes, it's a one time check. For constant check see Constant Check Example below or use comparing triggers. See comparing methods for all available options.

// Basic Example
$(window).breakpoints("lessThan", "md", function() {
  // If viewport is less than 992px do something here.

// Constant Check Example
$(window).bind("breakpoint-change", function(event) {
  $(window).breakpoints("lessThan", "md", function() {

// Practical Usage Example
$("button").click(function() {
  $(window).breakpoints("lessThan", "sm", function() {
    // Use a modal

  $(window).breakpoints("greaterEqualTo", "md", function() {
    // Do something else



array default:

    "name": "xs",
    "width": 0
  }, {
    "name": "sm",
    "width": 768
  }, {
    "name": "md",
    "width": 992
  }, {
    "name": "lg",
    "width": 1200

These are the breakpoints to monitor. The default set is aligned with Bootstraps grid system. The width pertains to the lower limit. For example 992px represents the beginning of md until it gets to 1200px.


integer default: 300

A buffer is set before breakpoints trigger breakpoint-change. The buffer keeps resizing more performant by not triggering actions prematurely.


boolean default: false

On initializing Breakpoints after the buffer trigger a breakpoint-change so all bindings necessary could happen. This will return the same event object as regular breakpoint change with event.initalInit.


boolean default: false

Use $(window).outerWidth() over the default $(window).width() for window width calculations.



Return the current breakpoint name.



Return the current breakpoint width given the break point name.

$(window).breakpoints("getBreakpointWidth", [breakpoint name]);


This will stop ALL breakpoints from listening for changes. To remove a single breakpoint bind see Use namespacing.


Comparing Methods


Returns true if the current viewport is less than the breakpoint.

$(window).breakpoints("lessThan", [breakpoint name], [callback]);


Returns true if the current viewport is less but also equal to the breakpoint value.

$(window).breakpoints("lessEqualTo", [breakpoint name], [callback]);


Returns true if the current viewport is greater than the breakpoint.

$(window).breakpoints("greaterThan", [breakpoint name], [callback]);


Returns true if the current viewport is greater but also equal to the breakpoint.

$(window).breakpoints("greaterEqualTo", [breakpoint name], [callback]);


Returns true if the current viewport is within the breakpoint and its lower limits. Eg. with the default breakpoints -- If the current viewport width is 900px this would be true for sm. This will return true for the last (largest) breakpoint while the viewport width is greater than its value.

$(window).breakpoints("inside", [breakpoint name], [callback]);

Minimum Requirements

Breakpoints requires jQuery v1.7 and up.