Android-Kotlin-Boilerplate copied to clipboard
This project demonstrates Android Architecture Components (Viewodel, Livedata) and Dagger for dependency Injection in Kotlin
This project demonstrates Android Architecture Components (Viewodel, Livedata) and Dagger for dependency Injection in Kotlin.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. You can then modify the project app id or build
What you can learn from this repo
- How to implement
UI tests(Instrumentation)
using Espresso andlogic tests (Unit test)
using JUnit4. - Fundamental Kotlin language and basic usage.
- Continuous Integration with Travis ci.
Library version
- Buils Tools Version:27.0.2
- Compile SDK Version: 27
- Target SDK version: 27
- Support Version: 27.0.2
- Android Architecture version: 1.0.0
- Dagger version: 2.12
- Retrofit Version: 2.3.0
- Kotlin: 1.2.10
- RxKotlin: 2.2.0
- Espresso: 3.0.1 (espresso-core)
You need AndroidStudio 3.0 or higher to run this project.
git clone
Then use Android Studio to import the project.
Alternativly, you can click on File -> New -> Project from version control -> Github and then paste the url above and let Android Studio clone and import the project for you.
Directory Structure
Directory Description
The data package contains the datasource interface and the Repository which implements the interface.
- DataSource : This is the data source contracta that any possible datasource for our app must implement
- Repository: A simple implementation of the Datasource interface.
This package conatains all the dependency intergration stuff which inclucde the
AppComponent: Combines all the app modules and inejct it into the app
AppInjector: Used to dynamically init the App Components and inject activity and fragments
AppModule: Contains injection for the application specif modules
BuildersModule: Provides all the components and subcomponents necessary for inejecting int Fragments and activity.
Injectable: A simple interface used to indicate that a fragment is injecatble
PerActivity: Interface used to scope dependencies to activity.
PerChildFragment: Interface used to scope dependencies to the ChildFrgaments in the case of nested Fragments
Fragment Scopes : Interface used to scope dependencies to Fragments
ViewmodelKey : Dagger binding key for ViewModels
ViewModelModules: Provides injectors for the Android Achiteacture Component ViewModoel.
This package holds all the models for our app which one of them at the momnent is User
This packge holds the Fragments, Activities and the viewModels
This package holds all the utility files thate we may need from time to time.
The contents of this project and the pacakges organisations are personal opinion adns it is not any standard by any authority. If you have a different opinion, feel free to share it so that we can make the cahnges.
- Jerry Hanks Okafor - Po10cio
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details