我在issues里面查找了一遍,我认为问题可能和issue #554 是相同的,我先尝试一下那个解决办法,如果奏效,emmmmm
I looked it up in issues. I think the problem may be the same as issue #554. I'll try that solution first. If it works, emmmmm
> 我认为是客户端那边H5页面的问题,有一段富文本的内容,用的px单位,在hdpi的设备上,在原设备上看到的时候很小,滚动条稍微滚动就可以到底,然后回放渲染出来时候字体相对会变大一些,导致滚动条长度就变长了,相同的滚动距离没法滚到最下面的位置
> 现象是滚动条会隐藏掉,但是滚动条长度仍然存在一定的偏差,内容越多偏差越大
我是在校验结构比较复杂的表单时,遇到的这个问题,只能得到第一层节点的属性名 我打算去修改代码,将表单的校验方式修改为递归的方式,然后在校验遇到对象或者数组时,将每个属性的命名空间(如:a.b[0].c)携带过去,这样就可以在校验不通过时,得到具体的校验信息,展示出来更方便调试 但是按照我的思路,修改范围有点大,我想问一下有没有什么改动范围小一点的思路呢?
Some logic reference here [Icon Theme Specification](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html) I have only tested it on my deepin Linux, and it is reasonable to use it
I think the problem of ```can not find module 'simple-plist'``` can be solved completely in this way [Change the import of adapter to dynamic import](https://github.com/pd4d10/debugtron/pull/19/commits/e9393f30b5693b77a330a6dfaf47aa7ecdb11261) Because ```simple-plist``` should not be...
> Sorry for the late reply. > > There seems to be a lot of conflict since the lastet `main` branch has significant changes. Could you please run a rebase?...
> There seems to be a lot of conflict since the lastet `main` branch has significant changes. Could you please run a rebase? Then we can merge this PR I...