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A source generator for the INotifyPropertyChanged interface using the Uno.SourceGeneration framework

Fonderie source generators

This repository is the home of Fonderie set of Roslyn generators.

These generators need at least Visual Studio 16.8 Preview 2.1 or .NET 5 Preview 8 to work properly.


This is repository for the INotifyPropertyChanged generator based on field discovery, using C# 9.0 source generators.

Find out more about it in this article.

How to use it

Add the following attribute in your source:

namespace Fonderie
    public class GeneratedPropertyAttribute : Attribute { }

Add a reference to Fonderie.INPC.Generator, the add the following class :

    public partial class MyClass
        private string _stringProperty;

        private int _intProperty;

        private bool _otherField;

        partial void OnIntPropertyChanged(int previous, int value)
            => Console.WriteLine($"OnIntPropertyChanged({previous},{value})");

        partial void OnStringPropertyChanged(string previous, string value) 
            => Console.WriteLine($"OnIntPropertyChanged({previous},{value})");

The INotifyPropertyChanged interface is automatically implemented, and XXPropertyChanged methods are generated to be notified inside the class if a property changed.


This generator is a sample to demonstrate the ability for Roslyn generators to use MSBuild properties and items.

Find out more in the article describing this sample.