jsonlite copied to clipboard
auto_unbox = T destroyed by POSIXt = 'mongo' in toJSON()
When doing:
toJSON(list(t = Sys.time()), POSIXt = 'mongo', auto_unbox = T)
I expected:
But I get:
Workaround by using unbox() directly:
toJSON(list(t = unbox(Sys.time())), POSIXt = 'mongo', auto_unbox = T)
Same issue here #192
it seems a bug in automatic conversion to mongo timestamp
jsonlite::toJSON(list("t" = list("$date" = 1501530029411)),auto_unbox = T)
# {"t":{"$date":1501530029411}}
jsonlite::toJSON(list("t" = list(list("$date" = 1501530029411))),auto_unbox = T)
# {"t":[{"$date":1501530029411}]}
Your workaround converts to scalar, so it works and at the moment i guess we have only these two solutions: unbox or direct list wrapper with $date
Note for unbox
: it can be used with atomic vectors of length 1 or data frames with 1 row
So it works with
t1 <- Sys.time()
# "2017-12-28 11:17:53 CET"
# "2017-12-28 11:17:53"
jsonlite::toJSON(list("t" = jsonlite::unbox(t1)), POSIXt = 'mongo', auto_unbox = T)
# {"t":{"$date":1514456273863}}
But it shows an error with
t2 <- as.POSIXct( as.numeric(t1),tz = "CET",origin = "1970-01-01")
# "2017-12-28 11:17:53 CET"
# Error: Only atomic vectors of length 1 or data frames with 1 row can be unboxed.
This is due to the attribute $tzone
# $class
# "POSIXct" "POSIXt"
# $tzone
# "CET"
# removing attribute
attr(t2,"tzone") <- NULL
# "2017-12-28 11:17:53" #OK
jsonlite::toJSON(list("t" = jsonlite::unbox(t2)), POSIXt = 'mongo', auto_unbox = T)
# {"t":{"$date":1514456273863}}
Maybe the same as https://github.com/jeroen/mongolite/issues/198 ...
But it shows an error with
t2 <- as.POSIXct( as.numeric(t1),tz = "CET",origin = "1970-01-01") # "2017-12-28 11:17:53 CET" jsonlite::unbox(t2) # Error: Only atomic vectors of length 1 or data frames with 1 row can be unboxed.
This is due to the attribute
attributes(t2) # $class # "POSIXct" "POSIXt" # $tzone # "CET" # removing attribute attr(t2,"tzone") <- NULL jsonlite::unbox(t2) # "2017-12-28 11:17:53" #OK jsonlite::toJSON(list("t" = jsonlite::unbox(t2)), POSIXt = 'mongo', auto_unbox = T) # {"t":{"$date":1514456273863}}
This does not work if the tzone attribute is not your current time zone, as removing the tzone attribute modifies the time value. Any other suggestion how to deal with that case?