SampleAPIs copied to clipboard
Docs - What is REST
The purpose of Sample APIs is to be a resource to learn all things REST.
I would like a documentation foundation set up explaining what REST APIs are. This should include things like;
- Acronym Definitions
- HTTP Verb Explanations
- Links to authority references
- Simple Diagrams providing a visual explanation
- ... anything you think a beginner would benefit from knowing
Hey @jermbo it's me again😄 I would love to contribute to this issue too if you don't mind. I had an event about REST vs GraphQL before. Have an awesome day! 🙂
@jermbo please assign it to me ,I am beginner in Open source. I have knowlege about Rest.
Thank you for your interest!
We will not be assigning these to anyone specific at this time. Being this is a volunteer contribution, we don't want to obligate anyone to contribute should something arise. Nor do we want to exclude potential contributors. All ideas are welcome.
I'll work on the issue this week when I can get some free time 👍