Julian Baumann
Julian Baumann
As of Django 4.2, psycopg3 is supported and support for psycopg2 will be dropped in the future. The docs suggest to check the breaking changes at https://www.psycopg.org/psycopg3/docs/basic/from_pg2.html. On the first...
As a planner, I'd like to see for which groups an event is visible (or that it is not visible to anyone yet) on the event detail page and maybe...
As a user, I want to be informed about expired qualifications. This includes: - a notification (via mail etc) when the qualification expires - visually highlighting expired qualifications on my...
As a resposible, I'd like the working hour overview to display an export button for the working hours. This should result in downloading a CSV or similar with the working...
The overview/list of workinghours could contain some nice graphs/statistics. Ideas/Examples: - amount of hours by event type - bar chart for people
I must say I find having the Abort Links build inside the form kind of defies the django pattern of having forms reusable. Like that kind of navigation should be...
Users misunderstood the automatic qualification feature and thought they could restrict the signup there. We should provide a help text, either directly or in the docs.
As a user, I expect my profile page to display a button where I can request a qualification. This should work similiar to requesting workinghours and result in a consequence.