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Proposals for Features
played a bit with DivSeq and like the idea very much.
The main Issue I had, that RESET will enable all disabled steps is already addressed I think. Still I have some Proposals:
- Working mode
Currently (as far as I understand) it cycles through the steps and triggers and decrements the steps trigger count and fires a gate if the trigger count reaches 0. On step trigger count 0 and Reset the trigger count is reinitialized with the value of the DIV knob.
The div per step setup also allows for an additional working mode which would make this beautiful module even more usable.
I call it Variable Step Length mode. In this Mode DivSeq would always fire and reinitialize the steps trigger counter when entering a step (step 1 after reset) and then will count the number of clock ticks set by the steps DIV and only advanced to the next step (or the first after last step) if the steps trigger counter reaches 0. Thus a for 4 step sequence with step DIVs [4, 4, 2, 2] would need 12 clock ticks to cycle through the 4 steps generating triggers and set CV out at clock ticks 1, 5, 9, 11. This mode could be very handy to do chord progressions or pattern selection for other sequencers with a variable length for each chord/pattern selected by the CV knob.
- Step CV to CV out processing
A built in attenuator with scale and offset for the output CV would allow to setup the steps CV to meaningful values using it to select patterns of other sequencers or control sequential switches.
- Note Mode
A note mode which would quantize and show the pitch of a step instead of CV would be handy as well. The pitch quantization of steps should be globally selectable to be chromatic or by the Root/Scale setting. The Root/Scale quantization should be done on output processing if set to chromatically .
- Random Seed Input
As always with modules having randomization functionality, I would like to have a Random Seed input to reset the random generator to the given seed when a randomize trigger is processed. This way repeatable randomness can be achieved which makes randomized pattern more musical by repeating them.