Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia
Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia
The crash in ConfigureWindow is possibly
Actually, no it's not. This was filed against a build that was built using autotools.
@runultra and @StevenWissler -- are either of you able to help me reproduce this issue? I'd like to be able to trigger it in order to debug it myself.
Given lack of response here, I'm closing this out. If you're still seeing this issue, can you point me to an upstream ticket or thread to follow?
AIUI, the problem is that `setxkbmap -query` is only useful in cases where the keymap is something static on disk. In our case, XQuartz generates the mapping dynamically by querying...
Closing due to lack of information.
XQuartz certainly doesn't need 32G of disk space.
Wayland does: ``` static int set_timer(int timerfd, struct timespec deadline) { struct itimerspec its; its.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; its.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0; its.it_value = deadline; return timerfd_settime(timerfd, TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME, &its, NULL); } static...
Yep, this is happening on macOS.
Note that macOS *is* POSIX compliant. It's one of the few OSs that actually is certified POSIX compliant. `struct itimerspec` is part of a the RT POSIX extension and is...