serverless-cloudside-plugin copied to clipboard
Enhancement: Transform cloudformation in http api authorizers
Transforming any cloud formation referenced in the custom authorizers section would help with building ephemeral authenticated API's. I think if this plugin looped through the authorizers array the same way it did the functions it could support this.
payload: "2.0"
identitySource: $request.header.Authorization
issuerUrl: !GetAtt UserPool.ProviderURL
audience: !Ref UserPoolClient
I'm working on an over-engineered boilerplate and am trying to get everything working both locally and in the cloud
run npm i && serverless deploy --stage local && npm start
The jwt is from the wrong issuer when requests go react app -> serverless offline backend because the issuer is
authorizerName: 'Authorizer',
name: 'Authorizer',
identitySource: '$request.header.Authorization',
issuerUrl: { 'Fn::GetAtt': [ 'UserPool', 'ProviderURL' ] },
audience: { Ref: 'UserPoolClient' }
I have made a start on this.
I see the current GetAtt support is limited so I am planning to add support to generate providerURLs.
I modified the function signature of parseEnvs to this so I can assign the authorizer URLs back to the right place
const parseEnvs = ({ envs = {}, fn, authorizer })
if you can think of a nicer way shout! 🐱