`echo "options 8723de rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_drv_log_level=0" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/8723de.conf` That should change some things after a reboot or you could `sudo modprobe -r rtl8723de && sleep 20 && sudo modprobe...
Results from this command in terminal `grep [[:alnum:]] /sys/module/8723de/parameters/*`
Uninstall from dkms and try using mine at I just made some changes in Makefile that might help, or you could look at and do the changes manually...
Please provide results for `usb-devices | awk '/e069/' RS=`
Instead of using ``` /* MediaTek MT76x0E */ { USB_DEVICE(0x0e8d, 0x763f), .driver_info = BTUSB_MEDIATEK }, ``` in the patch you may want to try using ``` /* MediaTek MT76x0E */...
I cant seem to get the formatting correct but I hope you see what I am suggesting