Jeremy W. Murphy
Jeremy W. Murphy
Hi @GYuvanShankar , thanks, it's looking good! I'll start a review, in which I'll make some (or many) small comments in the code itself.
When implementing algorithms, of any kind, it's important to be really familiar with the literature on them. In this case there is at least one paper that demonstrates a defect...
> > PS. One thing that I do not expect anyone to imitate from the existing code are named parameters. > > Why not? Are named parameters being deprecated or...
I don't understand, can you be more specific or provide an example please?
I strongly suspect that you are not prevented from getting maximum performance by the current implementation, although I could be wrong. My fundamental argument would be that 'treeness' is not...
I've actually had second thoughts on this and I'm wondering if there is a case for a tree class: not for trees in general, but for _k_-ary trees. Correct me...
The point is that the _k_ is a compile-time value, not a run-time predicate, thus the reference to _concepts_. If you don't think [_k_-ary trees]( belong in Boost.Graph, where do...
You may also find it edifying to read the previous discussions about adding a tree class to Boost, which occurred back in 2002 and 2009, and centered around adding [one...
What do you mean by "dynamic node expansion"? It sounds like something from a traversal algorithm, but maybe you mean something else.
I think we have very different perspectives on this question, so for the moment instead of responding to your summary I'll just give you mine. The premises that I take...