Jérémie du Boisberranger
Jérémie du Boisberranger
@chritter For now EarlyStopping based on a time budget in SearchCV estimators doesn't seem possible due to joblib (it might be possible at some point if the possibility to return...
> Is it abandoned? :( No it's not :) I haven't been working on it for some time but I started working on it again a few weeks ago. There's...
Specifying ``--compiler=intelem`` is only possible using ``numpy.disutils`` (https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/main/numpy/distutils/intelccompiler.py). Since numpy.distutils is deprecated I guess it's natural that we stop supporting it as well. To the question of supporting custom compilers,...
> I have an build refactor removing distutils and numpy.disutils and only uses setuptools that successfully builds our wheels and passes tests That's great !
These issues have all been fixed. Let's close
> But this is weird since my platform should be darwin in this case did you confirm that, just to be sure ?
@glemaitre can you check if it still happens ? In any case this is not a scikit-learn issue, and doesn't come from joblib loky or threadpoolctl either. We should probably...
Other features that I'm thinking about are - Grouping infrequent categories in OrdinalEncoder - Gamma deviance in HGBRegressor Do you think they should end up in the highlights ?
@lorentzenchr would you mind adding a small section for the Gamma deviance ?
verbose through callbacks is a bit limited because it will be triggered only at places where callbacks are called so if we really need to have advanced low level verbosity...