Jérémie du Boisberranger
Jérémie du Boisberranger
Thanks for the report @alugowski, could you provide more details about the failure ? a traceback ? It would help us a lot to figure out what's going on.
I don't think it's possible to support Accelerate: - when installed by conda-forge, there's only a libblas.dylib (whereas openblas for instance comes with libblas.dylib and libopenblas.dylib) so threadpoolctl can't rely...
So irl we discussed the possibility to check if the detected `libblas.dylib` has a dependency over `libvecLibFort-ng.dylib`, but I didn't manage to do that easily. Although on linux it's seems...
Another alternative that we discussed irl but I'm not a fan either is to directly check for `libvecLibFort-ng.dylib` but it's not the real dylib containing the blas, and the info...
Anyway, let's not delay the release any longer for that.
Hi @ivirshup, I think that arrow doesn't implement its own threadpool but instead relies on OpenMP for that. So I think controlling the number of OpenMP threads should work: ```py...
Right, I misinterpreted their doc. I looked into their source code and it appears that they implement their own threadpool, which can be configured by the `OMP_NUM_THREADS` env var even...
The purpose of `threadpoolctl` is to make it easy to control the threadpools of native libraries that don't usually have python bindings. When python bindings for the library exist, I'd...
That being said, I think it would still be interesting to support arrow directly. For instance threadpoolctl provides a way to limit all supported libraries at once. Not having to...
ping @jorisvandenbossche, we'd like to have your opinion on that :) We're interested in adding support for ``arrow`` in threapoolctl but I'm facing some issues. The way threadpoolctl works is...