On the surface it would seem that the environment whitelist configuration needs to be adjusted to allow the canonicalized data in the format you're expecting. From the documentation in the...
I am concerned about whether this is something we should provide. It feels like the reason we would make this change would be to allow ESAPI to run a single...
I think that the attached DefaultValidatorTest.txt shows the three \r \n \r\n cases with the safeReadLine method. [DefaultValidatorTest.txt](
I would like to suggest deprecating this method in DefaultValidator and instead offer an alternate implementation of a Reader. I've attached the premise of the suggestion below. Effectively, the BufferedLineLimitedReader...
I had not seen this test. I will note that there is no non-zero/positive checks on the max limit of my previously offered files. Those tests should be added if...
If that is an acceptable approach to resolution I will work to get it committed and offer it up. I mostly attached the file to illustrate the intent of the...
Is there follow up with this from the UTF-8 work?
@kwwall , while we were working to resolve the intermittent test failures From the FileBasedAuthenticator it was suggested on a couple of occasions that the implementation may not be as...
Sounds good. I'll try to follow up with you after the release.
@xeno6696, I think we can do this if we can convert the URI to a URL? (not sure of the feasibility) `URI.toURL() ` At that point we can look at...