Jasper de Vries
Jasper de Vries
+1 we could also deprecate the old custom content in favor of the facet solution.
Would one be able to use an expression as a default value? So `#{user.dateFormat}` instead of `yyyy-MM-dd`?
Let me see what I can do.
I currently have some backlog of PrimeFaces work. Not sure when I can have a look at this issue.
@onursenture I would simply call this one "file-dollar", as it could be used for quotes as well for example.
Would be nice to have this in the next release. An archive function / archived state is very common. For now we will be using `pi-eye-slash` which is not ideal.
Not that clear when compared to a regular file or document. See also #905
I'm on 21 as well. When I press the shortcut keys for auto completing when I have typed `{@` I'm getting: I don't know what more context you need. How...
We can also consider to create a branch for javax in test and let the master use Jakarta and drop its branch. https://github.com/primefaces/primefaces-test/tree/jakarta
And maybe convert the other branches (like JPA) to Jakarta as well.