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.NET Core SDK for Plex Media Server
Unofficial c# bindings for the Plex Media Server API. Our goal is to match all capabilities of the official Plex Web Client. A few of the many features we currently support are:
- Navigate local or remote shared libraries.
- Perform library actions such as scan, analyze, empty trash.
- Remote control and play media on connected clients.
- Listen in on all Plex Server notifications.
Installation & Documentation
From Powershell
Nuget-Install 'Plex.Api'
Dotnet Cli
dotnet add package 'Plex.Api'
Getting a PlexAccount Instance
NOTE: v2.0 documentation updates are incoming...
Boiler plate dependency injection setup.
// Create Client Options
var apiOptions = new ClientOptions
Product = "API_UnitTests",
DeviceName = "API_UnitTests",
ClientId = "MyClientId",
Platform = "Web",
Version = "v1"
// Setup Dependency Injection
var services = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddTransient<IPlexServerClient, PlexServerClient>();
services.AddTransient<IPlexAccountClient, PlexAccountClient>();
services.AddTransient<IPlexLibraryClient, PlexLibraryClient>();
services.AddTransient<IApiService, ApiService>();
services.AddTransient<IPlexFactory, PlexFactory>();
services.AddTransient<IPlexRequestsHttpClient, PlexRequestsHttpClient>();
this.ServiceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
The entry point to Plex-Api is with the PlexAccount class. You can instantiate a PlexAccount class using either your
Plex account login and password, or your Plex Auth Token.
var plexFactory = this.ServiceProvider.GetService<IPlexFactory>();
// Signin with Username, Password
PlexAccount account = plexFactory
.GetPlexAccount("username", "password");
// or use and Plex Auth token
PlexAccount account = plexFactory
PlexAccount Documentation
// Get Announcements for Plex Account
var announcements = account.Announcements().Result;
// Get Server Summaries. This does not return a Server Instance but a summary
// of all servers tied to your Plex Account. The servers may not be active/online.
var servers = account.ServerSummaries().Result;
// Get Servers (Active Servers w/Details)
var servers = account.Servers().Result;
// Get list of Friends for Plex Account
var friends = account.Friends().Result;
// Get Resources
var resources = account.Resources().Result;
// Get Providers
var providers = account.Providers().Result;
// Returns a list of all User objects connected to your account.
// This includes both friends and pending invites. You can reference the user.Friend to
// distinguish between the two.
var users = account.users().Result;
// Opt in or out of sharing stuff with plex.
// See:
bool optOutOfPlaybackDetails = true;
bool optOutOfLibraryDetails = true;
account.OptOut(optOutOfPlaybackDetails, optOutOfLibraryDetails);
// Get Account Devices
var devices = account.Devices().Result;
Server Documentation
var servers = account.Servers().Result;
var myServer = servers.Where(c=>c.Owned == "1").First();
// Get Home OnDeck items
var onDeckItems = myServer.HomeOnDeck().Result;
// Get Recently Added items for the Home Hub
var recentItems = myServer.HomeHubRecentlyAdded().Result;
// Get Continue Watching items for the Home Hub
var continueItems = myServer.HomeHubContinueWatching().Result;
// Share library content with the specified user.
string sections = "1,3,4";
myServer.InviteFriend("testuser", sections);
// Get Providers for this Server
var providers = myServer.Providers().Result;
// Search Across All Hubs on this Server
var items = myServer.HubLibrarySearch("Harry Potter").Result;
// Get Play History for all library sections on this server.
var playHistory = myServer.PlayHistory().Result;
// Get Devices connected to this Server
var devices = myServer.Devices().Result;
// Get list of all Client objects connected to server.
var clients = myServer.Clients().Result;
// Scrobble Item on this server
// UnScrobble Item on this server
// Downloads Server Logs
var logs = myServer.DownloadLogs().Result;
// Get list of all release updates available for this Server
var updates = myServer.CheckForUpdate().Result;
// Get Server Activities.
var activities = myServer.Activities().Result;
// Get Server Statistics.
var statistics = myServer.Activities().Result;
// Force Plex Server to download new SyncList from
// Force Plex Server to refresh content for known SyncLists.
// Force Plex Server to download new SyncList and refresh content.
// Get Transcode Sessions
var transcodeSessions = myServer.TranscodeSessions().Result;
// Get Server active Sessions
var sessions = myServer.Sessions().Result;
// Get Server Playlists
var playlists = myServer.Playlists().Result;
Library Documentation
var servers = account.Servers().Result;
var myServer = servers.Where(c=>c.Owned == "1").First();
// Get Libraries for server
var libraries = myServer.Libraries().Result;
// Get Movies library
var movieLibrary = libraries.Single(c => c.Title == "Movies");
// Get Search Filters available for this Library
var filters = movieLibrary.SearchFilters().Result;
// Search Library for item
string title = "Harry Potter";
string sort = "rating:desc";
string libraryType = "movie";
var items = movieLibrary.Search(title, sort, libraryType).Result;
// Get Recently Added for Library
var recentlyAdded = movieLibrary.RecentlyAdded().Result;
// Return list of Hubs on this library along with their Metadata items
var hubs = movieLibrary.Hubs();
// Empty Trash for this Library
// Scan for new items on this Library
// Cancel running Scan on this library
var plexApi = ServiceProvider.GetService<IPlexClient>();
// Get Metadata for Library
var metadatas = plexApi.MetadataForLibraryAsync(string authToken, string plexServerHost, string libraryKey).Result;
// Get Children for Metadata by Metadata Key
var metadatas = plexApi.GetChildrenMetadataAsync(string authToken, string plexServerHost, int metadataKey).Result;
// Get Metadata by Key
var metadata = plexApi.GetMetadataAsync(string authToken, string plexServerHost, int metadataKey).Result;
// Search
var metadatas = plexApi.SearchAsync(string authToken, string plexServerHost, string query).Result;
var plexApi = ServiceProvider.GetService<IPlexClient>();
// Get All Sessions on Server
var sessions = plexApi.GetSessionsAsync(string authToken, string plexServerHost).Result;
// Get Session for Player Machine Id
var session = plexApl.GetSessionByPlayerIdAsync(string authToken, string plexServerHost, string playerKey).Result;
var plexApi = ServiceProvider.GetService<IPlexClient>();
// Get Collections for Library
var collections = plexApi
.GetCollections(authKey, plexServerUrl, libraryKey).Result;
// Get Collection Tags for Movie
var collectionTags = plexApi.GetCollectionTagsForMovieAsync(authKey, plexServerUrl, movieKey).Result;
// Get Collection
var collection = plexApi.GetCollectionAsync(authKey, plexServerUrl, collectionKey).Result;
// Get Collection Movies
var movies = plexApi.GetCollectionMoviesAsync(authKey, plexServerUrl, collectionKey).Result;
// Delete Collection from Movie
plexApi.DeleteCollectionFromMovieAsync(authKey, plexServerUrl, libraryKey, movieKey, collectionName);
// Add Collection to Movie
plexApi.AddCollectionToMovieAsync(authKey, plexServerUrl, libraryKey, movieKey, collectionName);
// Update Collection
var collection = plexApi.GetCollectionAsync(authKey, fullUri, collectionRatingKey).Result;
collection.Title = "New Title for Collection";
plexApi.UpdateCollection(authKey, plexServerUrl, libraryKey, collection);
OAuth Implementation Example
public class PlexLoginController : Controller
private readonly HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient();
private readonly PlexOAuthClient _plexOAuthClient;
private readonly IPlexClient _plexClient;
public PlexLoginController(PlexOAuthClient plexOAuthClient, IPlexClient plexClient)
_plexOAuthClient = plexOAuthClient;
_plexClient = plexClient;
public async Task<IActionResult> IndexAsync()
var redirectUrl = Url.Action("PlexReturn", "PlexLogin", null, Request.Scheme);
var oauthUrl = await _plexClient.CreateOAuthPinAsync(redirectUrl);
HttpContext.Session.SetString("PlexOauthId", oauthUrl.Id.ToString());
return Redirect(oauthUrl.Url);
public async Task<IActionResult> PlexReturn()
var oauthId = HttpContext.Session.GetString("PlexOauthId");
var oAuthPin = await _plexClient.GetAuthTokenFromOAuthPinAsync(oauthId);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oAuthPin.AuthToken))
throw new Exception("Plex auth failed.");
HttpContext.Session.SetString("PlexKey", oAuthPin.AuthToken);
return Redirect("/plex");