Jenny Dupuy
Jenny Dupuy
Article: []( ## Update for 6.6 - [ ] Template Parts: allow selection in page content focus mode [60010]( - [ ] Update index view for pages [59950]( - [...
Article: []( ## Update for 6.6 - [ ] Template editor/inspector: show and select related patterns [55091]( - [ ] Template Parts: Update replace flow to separate template parts from...
Article: []( ## Update for 6.6 - [ ] Add color and typography presets to Global Styles [56622]( - [ ] Change "Solid" tab to "Color" [61366]( (Update texte +...
Article: []( ## Update for 6.6 - [ ] Update Reddit social icon to latest brand guidelines [59438]( - [ ] Update Medium icon [57073]( ## General - [ ]...
Article: []( ) ## Update for 6.6 - [ ] Fixed width table cells on by default [49672]( ## General - [ ] Make sure all screenshots are relevant to...
Article: []( ## Update for 6.6 - [ ] Update and simplify the Post Summary and Post Card section in the document sidebar [61624]( - [ ] ’Move to trash’...
Article: []( ## Update for 6.6 - Add Box Shadow support for featured image [59616]( ## General - [ ] Make sure all screenshots are relevant to the latest version...
Article: []( ## Update for 6.6 - [ ] Add featured image to Media & Text block [59594]( ## General - [ ] Make sure all screenshots are relevant to...
Article: []( ## Update for 66X - [ ] Remove the site editor sidebar navigation edit button [59335]( - [ ] Remove default entry into Navigation Menu focus mode but...
Article: []( ## Update for 6.6 - [ ] Add “Template Parts” command to site editor [61287]( (error in actual page: the command view template parts don’t exist) - [...