Jennifer (Jenny) Bryan

Results 705 comments of Jennifer (Jenny) Bryan

I suspect you may be better off opening this in the curl repo:

Without an example someone else can run, illustrating the problem you see, this is not going to get any traction. --- Could you please turn this into a self-contained [reprex](

As a point of reference, gargle now has a branch where I implement a Google-ish retry strategy:

And to address one of your points more specifically: I'm not sure there's really a "Google party line" on how exponential backoff should be implemented. They are pretty clear that...

I think any substantial innovation / upgrading might be a task for httr2 (, which is mostly just an issue target at this point. I definitely thought of my gargle...

Your usage of the `credentials` argument of `oauth2.0_token()` is highly unusual. With only slight exaggeration, that argument exists strictly for testing purposes. You're sort of trying to do `oauth2.0_token()`'s job...

That gist is specifically for a Shiny context and is doing some unconventional things. Are you doing OAuth 2 in Shiny? Yes, my hunch is that that approach is the...

> Yes, it is specifically for Shiny! Well, in that case, I'll pipe down as I haven't really digested that gist. But I imagine it does represent a certain amount...

Here's a good explainer of the vocabulary: Although it feels backwards to me, the refresh token is the less perishable thing (although they can also be revoked or rendered...

Have a look at `httr::with_verbose()`: