Bracken copied to clipboard
Bracken attribut error, int object has no attribute 'level_num'
I am trying to run bracken with my kraken2 report text files (using the --report command in kraken2 version 2.1.1). The data is paired so there are 8 columns instead of 6 and I suspect this might be causing an issue (since almost all tutorials I find using bracken have worked with kraken2 report files that did not apply the --paired flag).
I get the following error:
[chauk@gra-login2 krakendb_results_minimizer]$ bracken -d /data1/datasets/kraken2_dbs/krakendb/ -i -l S -o sample9_NS11.species.txt
>> Checking for Valid Options...
>> Running Bracken
>> python src/ -i -o sample9_NS11.species.txt -k /data1/datasets/kraken2_dbs/krakendb/database100mers.kmer_distrib -l S -t 0
PROGRAM START TIME: 05-06-2021 17:03:31
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/cvmfs/", line 488, in
Have the same error!
>> Checking for Valid Options...
>> Running Bracken
>> python src/ -i /data/home/zhq/workstation/meta-metagenomics/xiao/cleandata/uhgg_v2_kraken2_results/SRR10983032.kraken2report -o F_level/SRR10983032_F.bracken -k /data/home/zhq/workstation/reference/kraken2database/kraken2_db_uhgg_v2/database150mers.kmer_distrib -l F -t 0
PROGRAM START TIME: 01-18-2022 01:22:45
>> Checking report file: /data/home/zhq/workstation/meta-metagenomics/xiao/cleandata/uhgg_v2_kraken2_results/SRR10983032.kraken2report
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data/home/zhq/program/Bracken/src/", line 529, in <module>
File "/data/home/zhq/program/Bracken/src/", line 266, in main
if level_num != (prev_node.level_num + 1):
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'level_num'
Hi @jenniferlu717, I got this error when I ran bracken on a public available sample (ERR4097264).
The command I used:
bracken -d /mnt/home/djin/ceph/databases/uhgg -i ERR4097264_report_uhgg_k2.txt -o ERR4097264_output_uhgg_bracken.txt -w ERR4097264_report_uhgg_bracken.txt -r 100 -l S
Error message:
>> Checking for Valid Options...
>> Running Bracken
>> python src/ -i ERR4097264_report_uhgg_k2.txt -o ERR4097264_output_uhgg_bracken.txt -k /mnt/home/djin/ceph/databases/uhgg/database100mers.kmer_distrib -l S -t 10
>> Checking report file: ERR4097264_report_uhgg_k2.txt
PROGRAM START TIME: 03-23-2022 00:24:50
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/home/djin/miniconda3/envs/salmon/bin/src/", line 529, in <module>
File "/mnt/home/djin/miniconda3/envs/salmon/bin/src/", line 266, in main
if level_num != (prev_node.level_num + 1):
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'level_num'
I tested on both uhgg and wol reference databases, it worked fine for wol database, but gave the above mentioned error for uhgg. The uhgg database I used was accessed from here:
I attached the input report file in case it's helpful to determine what's wrong. Thanks!
@kdbchau @zhq90 can you please respond with the first few lines of your report files?
Also, what database are you using?
Hi @jenniferlu717, I'm getting the same error. Any updates on this?
I'm using the pre-built Kraken2 database (Standard RefSeq from Ben Langmead,
Here's the first few lines of my Kraken2 report:
48.16 2408 2408 0 0 U 0 unclassified 51.84 2592 1 92750 52165 R 1 root 51.82 2591 7 92591 52165 R1 131567 cellular organisms 46.22 2311 0 85368 47792 D 2157 Archaea 46.12 2306 0 85309 47679 D1 1783275 TACK group 46.12 2306 0 85304 47679 P 28889 Thermoproteota 46.12 2306 0 85304 47679 C 183924 Thermoprotei 45.82 2291 0 85183 47644 O 2266 Thermoproteales 45.82 2291 0 85183 47644 F 2267 Thermoproteaceae 45.78 2289 6 85066 47574 G 2276 Pyrobaculum 35.90 1795 0 60913 33609 S 121277 Pyrobaculum arsenaticum 35.90 1795 1795 60913 33609 S1 340102 Pyrobaculum arsenaticum DSM 13514
` >> Checking for Valid Options...
Running Bracken >> python src/ -i kraken_reports/test_kraken_report.txt -o test_bracken.txt -k /users/kvw508/scratch/databases/kraken2/database150mers.kmer_distrib -l S -t 0 PROGRAM START TIME: 01-18-2024 12:33:38 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/apps/eb/software/Bracken/2.6.0-GCCcore-9.3.0/src/", line 488, in
main() File "/opt/apps/eb/software/Bracken/2.6.0-GCCcore-9.3.0/src/", line 238, in main if level_num != (prev_node.level_num + 1): AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'level_num'`
@jenniferlu717 I am having the same error when trying to run Bracken on Kraken2 output from minikraken database from here, the error message is below:
>> Checking for Valid Options...
>> Running Bracken
>> python src/ -i /home/nikolay/metagenomics_training/kraken.output_G65860 -o bracken_output.txt -k /proj/snic2022-6-144/nobackup/NIKOLAY/minikraken2_v2_8GB_201904_UPDATE/database100mers.kmer_distrib -l S -t 100
PROGRAM START TIME: 06-26-2024 06:13:40
>> Checking report file: /home/nikolay/metagenomics_training/kraken.output_G65860
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/domus/h1/nikolay/metagenomics_training/Bracken/src/", line 556, in <module>
File "/domus/h1/nikolay/metagenomics_training/Bracken/src/", line 291, in main
while level_num != (prev_node.level_num + 1):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'level_num'