tikal-multijob-plugin copied to clipboard
Add ability to expand/collapse a multijob view at the phase and name levels
As a user I would like the ability to be able to expand and collapse the multijob phases, as well as the multijob itself (for nested multijobs).
For example, if I have the 'leaf level' multijob to work on the foobar project it might have the following display output.
- Foobar Master Trigger (multijob name)
- Build (phase name)
- Build foobar on linux
- Build foobar on mac
- Build foobar on windows
- Test (phase name)
- Test foobar on linux
- Test foobar on mac
- Test foobar on windows
- Distribute (phase name)
- Create linux installer
- Create mac installer
- Create windows installer
- Build (phase name)
I would like to have a toggle or button or ability to collapse this so that it would only show multijob name and it's phases. For example:
- Foobar Master Trigger (multijob name)
- Build (phase name)
- Test (phase name)
- Distribute (phase name)
And the ability to again, collapse this to see just the multi-job name
- Foobar Master Trigger (multijob name)
This would be beneficial to me because we have nested multijobs for our different products. Some times I want to see the details, sometimes I want to see the summary (well, the managers want to see the summary.....)
For example, if we have just three projects where we build a common library and then two products that use the common library, it could look something like the following in detailed view:
- Master Build Trigger (multijob name - level 1)
- Common Library Master Trigger (multijob name - level 2)
- Build (phase name)
- Build common library on linux
- Build common library on mac
- Build common library on windows
- Test (phase name)
- Test common library on linux
- Test common library on mac
- Test common library on windows
- Distribute (phase name)
- Create linux installer
- Create mac installer
- Create windows installer
- Build (phase name)
- Foobar Master Trigger (multijob name - level 2)
- Build (phase name)
- Build foobar on linux
- Build foobar on mac
- Build foobar on windows
- Test (phase name)
- Test foobar on linux
- Test foobar on mac
- Test foobar on windows
- Distribute (phase name)
- Create linux installer
- Create mac installer
- Create windows installer
- Build (phase name)
- Blarg Master Trigger (multijob name - level 2)
- Build (phase name)
- Build blarg on linux
- Build blarg on mac
- Build blarg on windows
- Test (phase name)
- Test blarg on linux
- Test blarg on mac
- Test blarg on windows
- Distribute (phase name)
- Create linux installer
- Create mac installer
- Create windows installer
- Build (phase name)
- Common Library Master Trigger (multijob name - level 2)
If I could collapse the multijobs at the multijob name level as well as at the phase level then I can see the hierarchical display without being overwhelmed with the details. I can drill down into the details as desired.
For example, if collapse at the names, the above could be summarized as:
- Master Build Trigger (multijob name - level 1)
- Common Library Master Trigger (multijob name - level 2)
- Foobar Master Trigger (multijob name - level 2)
- Blarg Master Trigger (multijob name - level 2)
It would also be nice if there were options such as
- collapse/expand all
- collapse/expand all below this point
To make managing the viewing of nested multijobs easier.