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Publish Jenkins Remoting monitoring data to an OpenTelemetry endpoint.

[[remoting-opentelemetry-plugin]] = Jenkins Remoting monitoring with OpenTelemetry Plugin :toc: macro :toclevels: 1 :toc-title:



[#introduction] == Introduction

=== Goal

image:./doc/image/goal.png[Goal of Remoting Monitoring with OpenTelemetry, align="center", width=700]

The goal of this project:

  • collect telemetry data(metrics, traces, logs) of remoting module with OpenTelemetry.
  • send the telemetry data to OpenTelemetry Protocol endpoint

Which OpenTelemetry endpoint to use and how to visualize the data are up to users. Collect telemetry data of Jenkins Remoting using OpenTelemetry.

=== OpenTelemetry

image:[OpenTelemetry Logo, link=, width=300]

An observability framework for cloud-native software

OpenTelemetry is a collection of tools, APIs, and SDKs. You can use it to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data(metrics, logs, and traces) for analysis in order to understand your software's performance and behavior.

[#quick-demo] == Quick Demo

=== Using Minikube and Kubernetes plugins


=== Using Docker compose

Clone our link:[repository], and then,

[source,console] .... $ cd example $ docker-compose up # it may take few minutes ....

This will set up

  • Jenkins controller ** preconfigured with JCasC
  • Jenkins inbound agents ** instrumented with our monitoring engine
  • OpenTelemetry Collector
  • Loki for Log aggregation
  • Prometheus for metric backend
  • Grafana for log and metric visualization ** datasource is already configured

Open Grafana: http://localhost:3000/explore

You can see agents' log in Loki datasource and agents' metrics in Prometheus datasource.

[#getting-started] == Getting started with Inbound Agent

==== 1. Install Remoting monitoring with OpenTelemetry Plugin

Please install Remoting monitoring with OpenTelemetry Plugin into your Jenkins controller.

If you want, you can set up Jenkins controller with this plugin installed using Docker Compose. Please <<2. Setup OpenTelemetry protocol endpoint and monitoring backends, the next section>> for details.

Plugin page:

==== 2. Setup OpenTelemetry protocol endpoint and monitoring backends

We prepare docker-compose.yaml to set up them. Use it if you just want to try.

Clone our link:[repository], and then

[source,console] .... $ cd example $ docker-compose up otel_collector loki prometheus grafana jenkins_blueocean

or if you use your own Jenkins controller,

$ docker-compose up otel_collector loki prometheus grafana ....

This will set up

  • OpenTelemetry Collector
  • Loki for Log aggregation
  • Prometheus for metric backend
  • Grafana for log and metric visualization ** datasource is already configured
  • Jenkins Controller ** Remoting monitoring with OpenTelemetry Plugin is preinstalled.

==== 3. Download monitoring-engine

Download remoting-opentelemetry-engine.jar from Jenkins maven repository.

[source,console,subs="attributes"] .... $ curl "[RELEASE]/remoting-opentelemetry-engine-[RELEASE].jar" -o remoting-opentelemetry-engine.jar .... :!version:

We will use this JAR as java agent when launching agent.

==== 4. Create file.

Use io.jenkins.plugins.remotingopentelemetry.engine.log.OpenTelemetryLogHandler for handler. [source,properties] .... handlers=io.jenkins.plugins.remotingopentelemetry.engine.log.OpenTelemetryLogHandler,java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler .level=INFO ....

==== 5. Launch Jenkins agent

Setup jenkins controller and launch agent with -javaagent and -loggingConfig option.

[source,console] .... $ export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:55680 $ java
-jar agent.jar
-loggingConfig ....

==== 6. Explore logs and metrics

Open Grafana: http://localhost:3000/explore

== Configuration options

We can configure the monitoring engine via environment variables.

|=== |environment variable|require|example / description

.2+|OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT .2+|true|http://localhost:55680 |Target to which the exporter is going to send spans, metrics or logs. .2+|SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID .2+|false|90caeb02-a5ba-4827-bb3e-63babecfa893 |The string ID of the service instance. If not provided, UUID will be generated every time the agent launches. Note: If you don't set this value, the service instance id will be changed everytime the agent restarts. .2+|REMOTING_OTEL_METRIC_FILTER .2+|false|"system.cpu.." |Set regex filter for metrics. The metrics whose name match the regex will be collected. The default value is "." and collect all the metrics. |===

== Specification

=== Resource

Following resource attributes will be provided.

|=== |key|value|description

|service_namespace|"jenkins"|This value will be configurable in the future. |service_namespace|"jenkins-agent"|This value will be configurable in the future. |service_instance_id|Node name| |===

=== Logs

Only logs emitted via java.util.logging will be collected for now.

Following attributes will be provided.

|=== |key|example|description

|log.level|INFO|Log level name. See java.util.logging.Level.getName. |code.namespace|hudson.remoting.jnlp.Main$CuiListener|The name of the class that (allegedly) issued the logging request. |code.function|status|The name of the method that (allegedly) issued the logging request. |exception.type||The class name of the throwable associated with the log record. |exception.message|Broken pipe|The detail message string of the throwable associated with the log record. |exception.stacktrace| Broken pipe at hudson.remoting.Engine.innerRun( at |The stacktrace the throwable associated with the log record.


=== Spans


=== Metrics

Following metrics will be collected.

|=== |metrics|unit| label key | label value | description |jenkins.agent.connection.establishments.count|1|| |The count of connection establishments. The value will be reset when the agent restarts.

|system.cpu.load|1|| |System CPU load. See

|system.cpu.load.average.1m||| |System CPU load average 1 minute See

|system.memory.usage|byte|state|used, free | see and

|system.memory.utilization|1|| | System memory utilization, see and Report 0% if no physical memory is discovered by the JVM.

|system.paging.usage|byte|state|used, free | see and

|system.paging.utilization|1|| | see and Report 0% if no swap memory is discovered by the JVM.

.5+|system.filesystem.usage .5+|byte|device|(identifier) .5+|System level filesystem usage. Linux only (get mount data from /proc/mounts). |state| used, free |type| ext4, tmpfs, etc. |mode| rw,ro,etc. |mountpoint| (path)

.5+|system.filesystem.utilization .5+|1|device|(identifier) .5+|System level filesystem utilization (0.0 to 1.0). Linux only (get mount data from /proc/mounts). |state| used, free |type| ext4, tmpfs, etc. |mode| rw,ro,etc. |mountpoint| (path)

|process.cpu.load|%|| |Process CPU load. See

|process.cpu.time|ns|| |Process CPU time. See

.2+|runtime.jvm.memory.area .2+|bytes|type|used, committed, max .2+|see link:[MemoryUsage] |area|heap, non_heap

.2+|runtime.jvm.memory.pool .2+|bytes|type|used, committed, max .2+|see link:[MemoryUsage] |pool|PS Eden Space, G1 Old Gen...

|runtime.jvm.gc.time|ms|gc| G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation, ... |see link:[GarbageCollectorMXBean]

|runtime.jvm.gc.count|1|gc| G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation, ... |see link:[GarbageCollectorMXBean]


[#contributing] == Contributing

Refer to our link:CONTRIBUTING.adoc[contribution guidelines].

[#license] == LICENSE

Licensed under MIT, see link:LICENSE[LICENSE]

[#links] == Links

  • link:[ project page]