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Not able to use for loop for helm based application deployment in jenkins declarative pipeline
Describe the bug
I have created jenkins declarative pipeline, which is using helm for application deployment. I am using for loop in my declarative pipeline but it is not working.
I tried using both the approaches , a) mentioning loop inside scripts, b) using for loop outside script section but still my jenkins job is not able to deploy (not working).
Can someone help me here how can I use for loop when I need to deploy for multiple helm applications.
pipeline {
agent {
// Build global agent definition
parameters {
// Build paramaters
string(defaultValue: 'jenkins-k8s-credentials',
description: 'Enter the kubeconfig jenkins credentialID, this set the k8s cluster:', name: 'kubeconfigFile')
string(defaultValue: 'penni-build-access-token',
description: 'Enter the SCM jenkins credentialID', name: 'scmCredentials')
string(defaultValue: '333d2bd2-5c8e-4ff7',
description: 'Enter name of the helm private respository Jenkins credentials', name: 'helmCredentials')
string(defaultValue: 'ML42_minion_Deployment',
description: 'Enter the Jenkins credenitals id that contains the age key used to de-crypt the helm chart secrets. This needs to be the same key used to encrypted', name: 'ageKey')
choice(choices: ['','lv-dev', 'lv-prod'],
description: 'Enter the NAMESPACE', name: 'NAMESPACE')
choice(choices: ['','dev', 'prod'],
description: 'Enter the ENVIRONMENT', name: 'ENVIRONMENT')
string(defaultValue: '1.44.1',
description: 'Enter the mincpu_file_to deploy', name: 'APP_VERSION')
string(defaultValue: '02,03,04',
description: 'Enter the mincpu_file_to deploy in case of production deployment', name: 'MINCPU_FILE')
options {
// Build options
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '3'))
timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES')
stage("Approval Production Stage") {
agent {
// Build stage agent definition
dockerfile {
args '-u root --dns 10.10.16.*** --dns 10.10.**.*** --dns-search corp.com'
reuseNode true
// Check your branch is production
when {
expression {
"${ENVIRONMENT}" == 'prod'
// Whole for approval
steps {
input message: 'Deploy to Prod?', submitter: 'tom@*****.com'
stage("Deploy to Production for Minions") {
agent {
// Build stage agent definition
dockerfile {
args '-u root --dns 10.10.**** --dns 10.10.***** --dns-search corp.com'
reuseNode true
when {
expression {
"${ENVIRONMENT}" == 'prod'
steps {
// Add repo
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: "${params.helmCredentials}", passwordVariable: 'KEY', usernameVariable: 'USER'),
file(credentialsId: "${params.ageKey}", variable: 'ageKey'),
file(credentialsId: "${params.kubeconfigFile}", variable: 'KUBECONFIG')]) {
sh ('helm repo add ****-helm-repository https://artifacts.corp.com/artifactory/x****-helm-repository --username ${USER} --password ${KEY} --pass-credentials')
sh ('helm repo update')
// Copy the Age key
sh ('cp \$ageKey /tmp/.config/sops/age/keys.txt')
// create namespace
sh ('kubectl create namespace ml42-lv-\$ENVIRONMENT > /dev/null 2>&1 || true ')
script {
env.CHARTV = input message: 'What version do you want to deploy',
parameters: [string(defaultValue: '',
description: 'Enter the version of the helm chart you want to deploy',
name: 'Helm Chart Version to Deploy')]
//decrypt secret key and deploy for mlcpu
sh ('echo KUBECONFIG=\$KUBECONFIG helm secrets upgrade --install ml42cpuminions-\$MINCPU_FILE helm-repository/minions --set appVersion="${APP_VERSION}" --set docker.tag="{APP_VERSION}" -f minions/env/\$ENVIRONMENT/mlcpu/$MINCPU_FILE.yaml \
-f minions/env/\$ENVIRONMENT/values.yaml -f minions/secrets.yaml -f minions/env/\$ENVIRONMENT/secrets.yaml -n lv-\$ENVIRONMENT --version "${CHARTV}" --wait --timeout 20m0s --reuse-values ')
post {
always {
cleanWs deleteDirs: true, notFailBuild: true
Version of Helm and Kubernetes
- Helm:
- Kubernetes:
Chart version
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