fabric-beta-publisher-plugin copied to clipboard
DEPRECATED: A Jenkins plugin that lets you publish Android apps to Fabric Beta
Fabric Beta Publisher Plugin: Temporary crashlytics6333093342230778529.zip got deleted = true ERROR: Build step failed with exception java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Build step 'Upload .apk to Fabric Beta' marked build as failure Fauilure build.
I get this error: `Caused by: com.crashlytics.tools.android.exception.DistributionException: Crashlytics halted compilation because it can't find the specified file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Android-Staging-Preview\app\build\outputs\apk\app-staging-debug-v%PLAY_BUILD_NUMBER%.apk` PLAY_BUILD_NUMBER is properly interpolated in the build step bash scripts,...
If I check "path as ant-style include" I get a build error. If I don't check it, the error doesn't happen. The error is (from Console Output): Fabric Beta Publisher...
As a user I want to pull up apk that was created by jenkins with help of regex.