allure-plugin copied to clipboard
allure bin should not execute in docker container when pipeline use docker to setup agent
Jenkins version: 2.60.2
Job type: Pipeline
Allure plugin version: 2.22
Allure commandline version: 2.21
Problem description
Allure Report should generate in Docker host instead of container inside:
- job is Pipeline type, and agent used
docker { }
to setup. - allure report generate in
section. - allure bin not found.
Logs & Traces
[Pipeline] allure
Unpacking to /home/jenkins/tools/ on DockerHost-100-100-165-1
[PipeTestPiece] $ docker exec c314f07abd79b61de88e1db991ea32063a284f043ad02a5f5a44a720d549ee01 env " -Dallure.issues.tracker.pattern= " API_VERSION=hci5.3 BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME=#21914 BUILD_ID=21914 BUILD_NUMBER=21914 BUILD_TAG=jenkins-PipeTestPiece-21914 BUILD_URL= CLASSPATH= GIT_BRANCH=HCI5.3 GIT_URL= HUDSON_HOME=/var/jenkins_home HUDSON_SERVER_COOKIE=263b78fc48c45133 HUDSON_URL= JENKINS_HOME=/var/jenkins_home JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE=263b78fc48c45133 JENKINS_URL= JOB_BASE_NAME=PipeTestPiece JOB_DISPLAY_URL= JOB_NAME=PipeTestPiece JOB_URL= REQUEST_ASKS=type=storage_iscsi;type=storage_iscsi;*1:type=cluster,cfg.member.size>=2,cfg.vs_enable=1,,label.for=bdd,label.lang=zh,label.version=hci5.3;&1.cfg.member "RSPEC_PARAM=--tag smoke --tag ~adesk_only spec/func/asv_only/vm/shutdown_time_spec.rb spec/func/asv_only/backup/vm/migrate_spec.rb spec/func/asv_only/backup/vm/template_spec.rb spec/func/asv_only/backup/vm/disk_spec.rb spec/func/asv_only/backup/vm/import_spec.rb" RUN_CHANGES_DISPLAY_URL= RUN_DISPLAY_URL= SHARE_MOUNT=/var/reportCacheHub SpecStatusUrl= TES_HTTP= /home/jenkins/tools/ generate -o /home/jenkins/workspace/PipeTestPiece/allure-report
env: ‘/home/jenkins/tools/’: No such file or directory
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 c314f07abd79b61de88e1db991ea32063a284f043ad02a5f5a44a720d549ee01
$ docker rm -f c314f07abd79b61de88e1db991ea32063a284f043ad02a5f5a44a720d549ee01
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Pipeline Jenkinsfile
def user = "${env.JOB_NAME}#${env.BUILD_ID}"
manager.addInfoBadge('spec:' + params.RSPEC_PARAM)
manager.addShortText('branch:' + params.GIT_BRANCH)
manager.addShortText('api:' + params.API_VERSION)
if (params.SpecStatusUrl) {
manager.addShortText('only_failures', 'red', "white", "1px", "red")
def poolRequestFile = 'env_profile'
def scm = [
$class : 'GitSCM',
branches : [[name: GIT_BRANCH]],
extensions : [[$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckout']],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: GIT_URL]]
def rspecCmd = 'bundle exec rspec --dry-run'
rspecCmd += " ${RSPEC_PARAM}"
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
label 'Docker&&TestNet'
image 'wuhuizuo/ruby-tes-vtp:latest'
stages {
stage('UpdateCode') {
steps { checkout(scm: scm) }
stage('Request Env') {
steps {
writeFile(file: poolRequestFile, text: params.REQUEST_ASKS)
sh "tes-client \${TES_HTTP} ${user} request_pool ${poolRequestFile} test_device.yml"
archiveArtifacts 'test_device.yml'
stage('Test Setup') {
steps {
unarchive(mapping: ['test_device.yml': 'config/test_device.yml'])
sh 'rm -rf rspec_reports allure-report'
sh 'bundle'
sh "bundle exec rake setTestDevice[:version,=,${API_VERSION}]\n"
sh "bundle exec ruby tool/clean.rb all"
stage('Test') {
steps {
script {
if (SpecStatusUrl) {
sh "wget -q \"${SpecStatusUrl}\" -O spec/.status"
rspecCmd += " --only-failures"
sh rspecCmd
post {
always {
// archive test result
archiveArtifacts 'spec/.status'
sh "cd ${WORKSPACE}/rspec_reports; tar -zcf ../report.tar.gz ."
archiveArtifacts 'report.tar.gz'
// clean test device
sh 'vtp-tool-qa purge_env_storage test_device.yml'
post {
always {
sh "tes-client \${TES_HTTP} ${user} release_pool"
// generate report
results: [[path: 'rspec_reports']],
reportBuildPolicy: 'ALWAYS',
includeProperties: true,
properties: [
[key: '', value: ''],
[key: 'allure.issues.tracker.pattern', value: '']
@eroshenkoam PLS check this issue
@wuhuizuo, ok, I'll check it in the evening
I have a similar issue. I'm using Dockerfile as the agent, I see the tests that runs OK in the console output and I can find the tests results in the allure-results folder as expected, but the allure command output in the console output is just:
[Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions) [Pipeline] allure [Pipeline] }
And not allure report created. When I run it outside of a Docker container as an agent it works OK.
After upgrading the plugin to the latest one (2.2.5) and mounting the container to the server's allure-tool and JDK paths, it started running, but I'm getting the following error:
Error: Could not find or load main class io.qameta.allure.CommandLine
The full output:
00:13:35.681 [taurus-script-runner] $ docker exec f6bf92a61bf4bf643a60f2afb1be06109f928a06b969202d8f80cfee90757153 env ALLURE_HOME=/var/lib/jenkins/tools/ 'ALLURE_OPTS="" ' API_TESTING_BRANCH=taurus_test_migration_jenkins2 BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME=#54 BUILD_ID=54 BUILD_NUMBER=54 BUILD_TAG=jenkins-taurus-script-runner-54 BUILD_URL= CLASSPATH= HUDSON_HOME=/var/lib/jenkins HUDSON_SERVER_COOKIE=3c0c5777b68f7d2a HUDSON_URL= JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE=3c0c5777b68f7d2a JENKINS_URL= JOB_BASE_NAME=taurus-script-runner JOB_DISPLAY_URL= JOB_NAME=taurus-script-runner JOB_URL= RUN_CHANGES_DISPLAY_URL= RUN_DISPLAY_URL= SDK_BRANCH=master library.jenkins_library.version=master /var/lib/jenkins/tools/ generate -o /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/taurus-script-runner/allure-report 00:13:35.834 Error: Could not find or load main class io.qameta.allure.CommandLine
@eroshenkoam - any estimation when this will be resolved/handled? Thanks!
Is there any workflow to resolve this issue?
Is there any update on this issue? @eroshenkoam I think I also updated samilar issue
Well, any update in 2020?
Any update has the same issue 2021?
same question, any update in 2021????
Any update?
Any update 2022?
Any update in 2024? The job was successful with docker agent but failed recently.