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failed to find trigger in the lighthouse configuration
How to create the trigger in the lighthouse configuration?
When I create the quickstart project, everything works fine, till it waits to find the trigger for my gitrepo
created pull request https://github.com/manuelwallrapp/jx3-cluster-repo/pull/3 on the development git repository https://github.com/myrepoproject/jx3-cluster-repo.git waiting up to 20m0s for a trigger to be added to the lighthouse configuration in ConfigMap config in namespace jx for repository: myrepoproject/thethird-try error: failed to wait for repository to be setup in lighthouse: failed to find trigger in the lighthouse configuration in ConfigMap config in namespace jx for repository: myrepoproject/thethird-try within 20m0s error: failed to wait for the pipeline to be setup myrepoproject/thethird-try: failed to run 'jx pipeline wait --owner meowner --repo thethird-try' command in directory '', output: ''
Steps to reproduce the behavior
I created a springboot application, merged the pullrequest and then it waits for the trigger to configure. But I don't know what to do.
Expected behavior
That it creates the trigger itself
Actual behavior
After 20min the execution of "jx create spring" aborts because of missing trigger.
Jx version
version: 3.0.680
Kubernetes cluster
I use Openshift CRC Version: 4.5.14
Kubectl version
The output of kubectl version --client
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"19", GitVersion:"v1.19.3", GitCommit:"1e11e4a2108024935ecfcb2912226cedeafd99df", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-10-14T12:50:19Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"18+", GitVersion:"v1.18.3+5302882", GitCommit:"5302882", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-09-27T22:44:09Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Operating system / Environment
Mac Os X 10.15.7
Hey guys, any update/thoughts on this one?
Same problem here. Any help?
hi there, the same problem here after I upgrade to 3.x and importing an new project. I check the hooks from github and it says "We couldn’t deliver this payload: Service Timeout".
having the same issue. Im using Minikube
you can watch the boot job to update the configuration via: jx admin log
for more information on how this works see: https://jenkins-x.io/docs/v3/about/how-it-works/#importing--creating-quickstarts
WARNING: It looks like the boot job failed to setup this project.
You can view the log via: jx admin log
error: failed to wait for repository to be setup in lighthouse: failed to find trigger in the lighthouse configuration in ConfigMap config in namespace jx for repository: hlechuga/jx-py-test3 within 20m0s
error: failed to wait for the pipeline to be setup hlechuga/jx-py-test3: failed to run 'jx pipeline wait --owner hlechuga --repo jx-py-test3' command in directory '', output: ''
jx get activities
hlechuga/jx3-test/master #1 42m23s 7m52s Failed
from build pack 34m55s 24s Failed
Git Clone 34m55s 3s Succeeded
Admin Log 34m51s 20s Failed
hlechuga/jx3-test/PR-3 #1 42m30s 7m21s Succeeded
from build pack 40m29s 5m20s Succeeded
Git Clone 40m29s 3s Succeeded
Git Merge 40m26s 5s Succeeded
Make Pr 40m20s 5m11s Succeeded
oc logs release-6wwtb-from-build-pack-9rjpc-pod-sqt6x -c step-admin-log
viewing the git operator boot job log for commit sha: 87bff456e87c3dcbcc34e8133ff5018497ecb72f
Installing plugin jx-admin version 0.0.143 for command jx admin from https://github.com/jenkins-x/jx-admin/releases/download/v0.0.143/jx-admin-linux-amd64.tar.gz into /home/.jx3/plugins/bin
error: no boot Jobs to view. Try add --active to wait for the next boot job
Exactly the same issue when using minikube as others after upgrading to 3.X
Hello, could you please provide some directions as i have the same issue in AWS EKS as well?
i had the same issue after following the install guide for minikube. I finally realized the git commit command didn't actually commit all the files in in the repo. after i committed all the .lighthouse files that didn't get committed originally it finally worked. it still gives the waiting message if you rerun the command with the error but it does build the app and deploy it.
Same issue here with Gitlab and OKD
Same here... with minikube...
Same here with Minikube. It seems like the guide is incomplete.
I had the same issue and it got resolved after I did below steps:
Create namespace "kuberhealthy" in the desired Kubernetes cluster/context: kubectl create namespace kuberhealthy
Set your current namespace to "kuberhealthy": kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kuberhealthy
Add the kuberhealthy repo to Helm: helm repo add kuberhealthy https://comcast.github.io/kuberhealthy/helm-repos
Install kuberhealthy: helm install kuberhealthy kuberhealthy/kuberhealthy
if you check jx admin log you will notice that it is expecting kuberhealthy workspace there
I got through with minikube now. No more errors anywhere and jx create spring runs until a success message. The solution was that I had to "cheat" with my Dynamic DNS and I basically modified the svc/hook to work as NodePort to a specific port and then NAT map that port to port 80 of my host/physical machine. This both fixed the webhook values and allowed for using the webhook. So, there seems to be no need for kuberhealthy to be able run through the entire spring boot project creation. However, although it all completes correctly (no errors), nothing actually gets created in the minikube cluster. The GitHub repository for the Spring Boot project gets created, but nothing returns when running jx get applications. When using jx get build logs I can only see a boot job, but no build jobs... There still is something off with Minikube. One of the things that are different with the GKE/GCP setup is that there is no Nexus nor Helm repository (no ingresses either). Not sure if that is actually normal.
Please do let me know if I should move this to another discussion though, as it ultimately solves my "not being able to run a project creation", but still doesn't solve creating a project using JX with minikube.
for minikube don't forget to keep running:
$ kubectl port-forward svc/hook 8080:80
This work for me.
Hello all,
any update on this? I am facing the same issue with an on-premise setup (git-operator-based).
Webhooks seem to run fine, same for kuberhealthy and jx admin
does not show obvious issues, either. Any advise on how to debug this issue is highly appreciated.
Only thing, that seems suspicious to me is an entry
target_url: http://lighthouse-jx.<DOMAIN>/merge/status
in ConfigMap config. There is no matching ingress definition for this URL.
Thank you in advance
Same problem. Any help?
few things to check:
- Did it create a PR in the cluster git repo? (The repo that was created from jx3-eks-vault or jx3-gke-vault etc ...)
- Did the PR create a job (check by running
jx admin log
)? If not, then few more things to check:- Does webhook exist for the cluster git repo?
- What is the output of lighthouse (keeper and webhook) pods in the jx namespace? (the pods have name of the form lighthouse-keeper-XXXX and lighthouse-webhooks-XXXX)
- Did it create an entry in the configmap
namespace? - Did it create a webhook in the imported repo?
Also did the name of the repository have an underscore in it (_
), that issue was fixed recently, but not released yet: https://github.com/jenkins-x-plugins/jx-pipeline/releases/tag/v0.0.159
Yes. I follow this steps here https://jenkins-x.io/v3/admin/platforms/minikube/ but don't work
Ok now it's all ok but i have a new error.
WARNING: no $GIT_SECRET_MOUNT_PATH environment variable set releasing chart nodo error: failed to create chart release in dir charts/nodo: failed to add remote repo: failed to run 'helm repo add --username admin --password ***** release-repo http://bucketrepo.jx.svc.cluster.local/bucketrepo/charts/' command in directory 'charts/nodo', output: 'Error: looks like "http://bucketrepo.jx.svc.cluster.local/bucketrepo/charts/" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type repo.IndexFile'
Pipeline failed on stage 'from-build-pack' : container 'step-promote-helm-release'. The execution of the pipeline has stopped.
I have the same issue in an EKS cluster. I did a quickstart project, and everything worked correctly. But when I tried to import a repository, the PR was created in the cluster repo and finished without problems, however, I got the same error. I checked the imported repo in Github, and it did not create a webhook, unlike the quickstart project.
I should mention that I ran jx project import
while not in the main branch but a secondary branch. If that is the issue, what can I do to revert it? How should I trigger the creation of the webhook?
I was hoping to get some guidance. Also, I checked the question offered by @ankitm123, and everything was OK except the final webhook of the imported repository.
Release pipeline fails with the same error,
WARNING: no $GIT_SECRET_MOUNT_PATH environment variable set
releasing chart jx3-nodejs
error: failed to create chart release in dir charts/jx3-nodejs: failed to add remote repo: failed to run 'helm repo add --username admin --password ***** release-repo http://bucketrepo.jx.svc.cluster.local/bucketrepo/charts' command in directory 'charts/jx3-nodejs', output: 'Error: looks like "http://bucketrepo.jx.svc.cluster.local/bucketrepo/charts" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type repo.IndexFile'
Is this resolved?