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Jenkins X provides automated CI+CD for Kubernetes with Preview Environments on Pull Requests using Cloud Native pipelines from Tekton
During installation, one of the jx-boot pods fails with the following error: ``` Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "config-root/namespaces/jx/acme-jx/tls-kill-9-uk-p-certificate.yaml": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "webhook.cert-manager.io": Post https://cert-manager-webhook.cert-manager.svc:443/mutate?timeout=10s:...
hi folks, I’ve been trying to install JX in EKS following guide from documentation but for some reason installation is failing (tried both on 1.22 and 1.21). I had some...
Hello, I have been working through the docs and attempting to get JX setup. My (perhaps incorrect) understanding, is that I should be able to destroy the infra (while leaving...
Golang supports only 2 major releases: https://endoflife.date/go Go 1.19 is expected to be out in August 2022. We should start the upgrade process to go 1.18, before go 1.17 becomes...
Currently we don't see only the notifications in Slack. Can you tell us if you need to do smt additionally there to support Slack notifications for GitLab nested Projects? We...
Jenkins-X already has integrations with Istio and it seems like there are more to come. It would then make sense to improve compability with Istio. Looking at https://istio.io/docs/setup/kubernetes/spec-requirements/ I find...
When inputting values with `jx secret edit` you can't input multiline values. I'm trying to edit jenkins-maven-settings. The `jx secret` command is built from the repo https://github.com/jenkins-x-plugins/jx-secret/
jx-build-controller is stuck on "logging pod" from here https://github.com/jenkins-x-plugins/jx-build-controller/blob/35b904eeb00de306120975c6e0408cb2d4268c6b/pkg/cmd/controller/tekton/tekton.go#L361 This is this function from jx-pipeline: https://github.com/jenkins-x-plugins/jx-pipeline/blob/76d8eb75c20e614f0759160bf25481ff9dcaad94/pkg/tektonlog/tektonlog.go#L200 ``` func (t *TektonLogger) GetRunningBuildLogs(ctx context.Context, pa *v1.PipelineActivity, pipelineRuns []*tektonapis.PipelineRun, buildName string)
Many Jenkins-X tools checkout repositories but actually only need to read a few select files. For large git repositories this lead to a great waste of time, bandwidth and disk...
Hi! I think there is an error in remote cluster configuration and jx operations. I used: [Multicluster](https://jenkins-x.io/v3/admin/guides/multi-cluster/multi-cluster/) documentation and I created two kubernetes cluster in AWS. The process works with...