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Performing a Plugin Release page - Document releasing with gradle
Problem with the Performing a Plugin Release page, source file
Artifactory release for Gradle is missing!
Possible Solution
Please add the gradle equivalent. The article is not full without having both maven/gradle examples.
It seems the only thing you need is ~/
file with your credentials:
Hello @ggsklias I'm Saksham Garg,I'm a undergraduate student of Btech CSE I'm just getting started with Open Source. I'd really be helpful if you can guide me a little on how can I help in fixing this issue and then I can make my first Open Source Contribution. Thank you..!
Hello Saksham, since this issue is open for 2 years, I no longer work for the company through which this was observed, and I only got involved in jenkins for a very short period of time, its not going to be easy for me to guided you somehow. Apologies.
@SakshamGarg16 since this issue was created, the release docs was split in two:
- release using Continuous Delivery: -- there it might make sense to mention that CD assumes the plugin is using Maven, Gradle is not supported
- manual release: -- most steps there assume the reader is using Maven. I'd suggest to mention Maven in the Prerequisities section and provide a link to as an alternative for Gradle users. The next step could be extending the JPI plugin's README to explicitly mention how to set up credentials -- maybe @sghill can help there.
OO Okay Thanks @zbynek
Can you assign this issue to me I want to work on this issue