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example multiplatfrom swt project in maven (no tycho nor rcp)

Multi Platform SWT

This project help build multiplatform swt application jar. One jar to run on all platforms using just maven without osgi or tycho.

Try it

git clone
cd multiplatform-swt
mvn package -Pmultiplatform
java -jar multiplatform-swt-example/target/*.jar


Copy dependecies, spring-boot-maven-plugin and profiles section from swt-multiplatform-example/pom.xml into your pom.xml.

It is important to keep the dependency on multiplatform-swt-loader and layoutFactory configuration in spring-boot-maven-plugin. All versions of multiplatform jar files have to be on classpath when building the final package. The example achieve this by defining multiplatform profile.

How it works

This project builds on top of the great spring-boot-maven-plugin. We create custom MultiPlatformJarLayout to add our own MultiPlatformJarLauncher. The jar launcher implements postProcessClassPathArchives to remove undesirable jars from classpath.

The classpath (and the jar) contains all the dependencies. We are adding all the platform specific variants to classpath when building the jar. See multiplatform profile in swt-multiplatform-example/pom.xml.

The actual logic of system properties and os.arch mapping to eclipse jar file names is in MultiPlatformJarNaming.


  • Check other options of using swt. There used to be tycho project. It was modularized eclipse platform. It allowed to reuse all plugins of eclipse ecosystem. But that was some years back. There may be other recommended ways these days.
  • Feel free to add WarLauncher and/or PropertesLauncher in similar fashion.