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Clean Architecture, MVC, MVP, MVVM notes

:blue_book: Android Architecture, Pattern Notes

Derived from many blog posts, websites, online discussions and experiences. Even after writing a lot of applications, one may forget reasons of used techniques (why i did this, or what is benefit of this pattern...). Reason for this may be copy pasting some of your own code after writing once.

This repo aims to be note to lookup for below topics. It can also be good reference when trying to explain these topics to colleagues.


1. Clean Architecture notes

General and Android specific

Presentation Patterns (Delivery Mechanisms)

1. MVC notes

This is MVC variants in general (not Android specific), so difference between these patterns can be seen.

2. MVP notes

MVP in general and from Android perspective

3. MVVM notes

MVVM in general and from Android perspective

4. Pattern Differences note