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🦄🌈🍄 algebraic style composition for functional UIs

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You can deprecate this repo and just use Reader monad instead. (or rename to Reader) [Here](https://gist.github.com/safareli/17c6bee8c5b041c4379c199b2178ad37/revisions) is step by step changes of proving that it's just a Reader Monad. Here...

```js // Style :: => (Props -> CSS) -> Style CSS function Style(f) { if (!(this instanceof Style)) { return new Style(f); } this.__value = typeof f === "function" ?...

Would it make sense to add a couple of examples to the repository, just to give people a quick feel of what's possible with further?

It would be useful to have the ability to change arguments that get passed down the chain to other instances of `Style`. I named this `setArgs` for clarity as to...

@jongold want me to add this?