jellyfin-media-player copied to clipboard
Installation failed, the log is as follows, please help
Four considerations:
- Please do not open bug reports to ask questions. Use the Discussions feature instead.
- Please make sure the issue only pertains to Jellyfin Media Player. If it also occurs in the web client, send the issue to jellyfin-web instead.
- Please make sure that your issue is not being caused by errors in custom CSS or note that you are using custom CSS.
- Notably, there have been instances of custom CSS breaking TV mode.
- You can disable custom CSS under Display in the user settings.
- Please provide logs. You can drag the log file into the issue to attach it.
- Windows:
- Linux:
- Linux (Flatpak):
- macOS:
~/Library/Logs/Jellyfin Media Player/
- Windows:
Describe the bug Installation failed
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Open JellyfinMediaPlayer-1.11.1-windows-x64 (1).exe and click the Install button
Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: windows 10
- Version 20H1 19041
- Installation Method windows installer
Additional context Installation error, reinstall as administrator still reports the same error
The log file is as follows, please help: Jellyfin_Media_Player_20241008103328.log