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C#.Net library for TheMovieDB

Results 34 TMDbLib issues
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Actually [media_type]( parser for Episodes value is `episode`. But it seems TMDB changes that value to `tv_episode` as could be seen here: _ ```json { "movie_results": [], "person_results": [], "tv_results":...

From their API Documents: `{ "id": 550, "results": [ { "iso_639_1": "en", "iso_3166_1": "US", "name": "Fight Club - Theatrical Trailer Remastered in HD", "key": "6JnN1DmbqoU", "site": "YouTube", "size": 1080,...

`` will cause a request error `{"success":false,"status_code":5,"status_message":"Invalid parameters: Your request parameters are incorrect."}` `Week` should lower case to make api working

When adding TMDbLib nuget packet to an empty C# console application using .NET Framework 4.6.1, a System.StackOverflowException (HResult=0x800703E9) is thrown when the following line gets executed: The test application...

Replaced name with title Added runtime

Would love v4 list support, as you can add many movies to a list at a time.

Looks like "GetTvEpisodeTranslationsAsync" and "GetTvSeasonTranslationsAsync" is missing but supported by the TMDb API. I searched for a way to get the "Original Title" of an episode or season and the...

Is there a missing property of OriginalTitle on KnownForBase?

There is no need for `PersonListType.cs` and `PersonResult.cs`. Get popular people method renamed and language parameter added. Now it matches the get popular movies and get popular tv shows methods,...

This way it fits better to the API, and matches `Movie.cs`.