I would also like to have ref of the actual `` inside LazyLoadImage! Please add this feature!
Hey @thijstriemstra ! So the grid lines I added are actually not part of wavesurfer. They are generated on a canvas behind the wavesurfer. Based on the width of my...
Hey @thijstriemstra any updates or ideas on how I could achieve this?
I believe this is related to the issue I created a few days ago => Essentially the JSON body response from Supabase API is always undefined in my case...
+1 getting the same problem. As a matter of fact for me `const ast = await fetchTweetAst(tweetId);` returns null all the time (not only intermittently)
I'm getting the same issue... It gets to the twitter page and says "Something went wrong"
Also just tried importing the library in the main electron process (instead of the renderer), But this gives me an error that the architecture is incompatible: "has x86_64 needs arm64e"
However I also just tested this example app and it works properly... If anyone has any suggestions please let me know :)
Hi @2bbb ! I'm using "electron": "^19.0.8" Testing the file node_modules/electron/dist/ in terminal I got ``` node_modules/electron/dist/ Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64 ``` Seems like it is arm64. I think because...