dso203 copied to clipboard
does not work on mv DSO203, HW: 2.81, SYS 1.64, Upgrade V3.45C
Hope this repository and thread is still active/alive. I have tried to upgrade my device with Wildcat 6.5, but it seem that it does not work for whatever reason. When I copy the 6.5 hex file, the drive disconnect in the middle of the copy. After reboot, it got stock with the boot screen showing the Wildcat 6.5 version text but does nothing further. Also the file is not renamed and the directory is empty. I also lost my logo. Any hints? And can anybod provide my with the original log? I cant find it elsewhere and most links are dead.
Meanwhile I got it to work with one of the hints from one of the project fork. HE did a workaround and splited the app1.hex into three *.bin files with each *.addr file. With that partitioned update, it worked. The only thing I would ask is the missing Logo file, if that has anybody, as the firmware updates deleted/destroyed the image.
281logo.zip Try this logo
@MotoMaxis thanks, I'll try it (but I guess I have tried already files with that name). This works with the Wildcat 6.5 fiirmware? I have the DSO203 with 2.71HW. Currently it works, but has no logo (black background)
As far as I you you should be using WC5.6 for hw2.72 and older. WC6.5 is for hw2.8x. In your case the .ADR might be different depending on memory mapping.
For hw2.72 logo's home is at 0x0803D800. This should work. 272logo.zip
Got same problem with w6.4 update to w6.5. When turn to app1-c.bin, it just hanging there, didn't change to *.RDY or *.ERR, With Hw2.82 Sys1.64 DFU3.46c setting. Any clue?
If you are loading .bin file, you first must copy over .adr file for it which turns to .set, after copy .bin file.
I did. Files in USB are: app1_a.set
and i recompile the app1.hex, find out the file size shrink(525k->4xxk), i think may be the problem, will trying split hex next.
Share the files or link, I will check.
Thanks a lot, i use this tutorial(https://github.com/MotoMaxis/DS203-DSOQuad/tree/master/WildcatV6.5/install_info) and provided *.adr *.bin to install.
Issue solved. By using objcopy.exe
convert app1.hex' to
app1.adr`, W6.5 upload successful, regardless of origin (532KB) or recompile one (412KB). I tried to split into 2 bins, it freeze at startup screen. if split 3 bins, the third bin would not be accepted. My guess is DFU3.46 cant read too large hex (>200K?) and too many bin to upload.