raspberry-noaa-v2 copied to clipboard
Animations not working
Hi. I would like to ask about the animations. I enabled them, and they do not work. After a little examination, it seems that the application does not even create videos (animations). Is it something I am missing? I would really like for it to make animations from diffrent passes, so I can see how wind blows etc.
The noaa_avi.sh script refers to folders and files that I don't think are used anymore
Is there any way I can use noaa_avi.sh
or reenable it?
The script itself must be modified
OK1SLM: Ahoj, ako presnejsie "modifikovany", mohol by si sa na to prosim pozrieť, ak zvýši čas? :)
English friends: Hi, do you mean "modified", could you please look at it if you have the time for that? Thanks :)
check/set 3 things in the configuration:
--> noaa_decoder: 'wxtoimg'
(note: default value seen includes list of ALL supported image processors excluding 'avi' which must be explicitly added when opting to 'enable_animation' below )
--> noaa_daytime_enhancements: 'ZA MCIR MCIR-precip MSA MSA-precip HVCT HVCT-precip NO sea therm avi' --> noaa_nighttime_enhancements: 'ZA MCIR MCIR-precip NO sea therm avi'
fix a broken IF statement:
(there is a space missing for the brackets)
--> see line 256 https://github.com/jekhokie/raspberry-noaa-v2/blob/master/scripts/receive_noaa.sh
change it to: if [ $enhancement == "avi" ]; then
personal preference: update the avi generated to use the MCIR-precip instead of MCIR
produce the output image
$WXTOIMG -o -M 49 -m "${MAP_OVERLAY}" ${extra_args} -e "MCIR-precip" "${INPUT_WAV}" "${OUTPUT_IMAGE}"
Great job, but it would still like the video to be automatically deleted after 24 hours
Hi, Just wondering if anyone can point me to where the animation should be called from? I can see RollingAnnimation.avi created in the /tmp folder, but browser Passes Page does not seem to link to the created video. Just need a pointer to tie them together. Many thanks. Ps I’m running the Bookworm 64-bit beta version of RaspiNOAA.
I have the 32 bit version /srv/videos
Ah! Thanks, but I can see the videos as created. It’s that the web front end does not seem to be pointing to the latest video when video enabled. I need to know where the website code is located to check where it is expecting to see the video file.