telegram-test copied to clipboard
Module for offline testing telegram bots
Telegram test
Simple module for testing telegram bots, created with node-telegram-bot-api
which lets you test bot's logic without using telegram API.
npm install telegram-test
Include all necessary modules
TelegramTester = require('telegram-test'),
TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api'),
telegramBot = new TelegramBot("sample token", {});
Create a bot with any kind of logic
class TestBot {
constructor(bot) {
bot.onText(/\/ping/, (msg, match)=> {
let chatId =;
let opts = {
reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id,
reply_markup: JSON.stringify({
keyboard: [[{text: 'ok'}]],
bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'pong', opts);
bot.onText(/\/start/, (msg, match)=> {
let chatId =;
let opts = {
reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id,
reply_markup: JSON.stringify({
keyboard: [[{text: 'Masha'}, {text: 'Sasha'}]],
bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'What is your name?', opts);
bot.onText(/Masha/, (msg, match)=> {
let chatId =;
let opts = {
reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id,
reply_markup: JSON.stringify({
keyboard: [[{text: 'Hello!'}]],
bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Hello, Masha!', opts);
bot.onText(/Sasha/, (msg, match)=> {
let chatId =;
let opts = {
reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id,
reply_markup: JSON.stringify({
keyboard: [[{text: 'Hello!'}]],
bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Hello, Sasha!', opts);
Write tests
(note that telegramBot is an instance of node-telegram-bot-api):
describe('Telegram Test', ()=> {
const myBot = new TestBot(telegramBot);
let testChat = 1;
it('should be able to talk with sample bot', () => {
const telegramTest = new TelegramTest(telegramBot);
return telegramTest.sendUpdate(testChat, '/ping')
.then((data)=> {
if (data.text === 'pong') {
return telegramTest.sendUpdate(testChat, '/start');
throw new Error(`Wrong answer for ping! (was ${data.text})`);
.then(data=> telegramTest.sendUpdate(testChat, data.keyboard[0][0].text))
.then((data)=> {
if (data.text === 'Hello, Masha!') {
return true;
throw new Error('Wrong greeting!');
You can also emulate selecting different actions, using data.keyboard like this:
describe('Telegram Bot tests', function () {
let testChat=1;
let myBot = new TestBot(telegramBot);
let telegramTest = new TelegramTest(telegramBot);
it('should complete a complex choise', function () {
var myChat = testChat;
return telegramTest.sendUpdate(myChat, "/start")
.then(data=> {
return telegramTest.sendUpdate(myChat, data.keyboard[0][0].text);
.then(data=> {
return telegramTest.sendUpdate(myChat, data.keyboard[0][0].text);
.then(data=> {
return telegramTest.sendUpdate(myChat, data.keyboard[0][0].text);
.then(data=> {
return telegramTest.sendUpdate(myChat, data.keyboard[0][0].text);
.then(data=> {
return telegramTest.sendUpdate(myChat, data.keyboard[0][0].text);
.then(data=> {
return telegramTest.sendUpdate(myChat, data.keyboard[0][0].text);
.then(data=> {
return telegramTest.sendUpdate(myChat, data.keyboard[0][0].text);
.then(data=> {
return telegramTest.sendUpdate(myChat, data.keyboard[0][1].text);
.then(data=> {
if(data.text==='Final' && data.keyboard[0][0].text==='Finish')
throw new Error('we went some other way!')
Of cause you can also make a simple array of choices and iterate through it.