godot-gdgifexporter icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
godot-gdgifexporter copied to clipboard

Gif exporter for Godot made entirely in GDScript

Gif exporter for Godot made entirely in GDScript

This is gif exporter for godot made entirely using GDScript. This is based on godot-gifexporter.

Mentioned in Awesome Godot


extends Node2D

# load gif exporter module
const GIFExporter = preload("res://gdgifexporter/exporter.gd")
# load quantization module that you want to use
const MedianCutQuantization = preload("res://gdgifexporter/quantization/median_cut.gd")

func _ready():
	var img := Image.new()
	# load your image from png file
	# remember to use this image format when exporting

	# initialize exporter object with width and height of gif canvas
	var exporter = GIFExporter.new(img.get_width(), img.get_height())
	# write image using median cut quantization method and with one second animation delay
	exporter.add_frame(img, 1, MedianCutQuantization)

	# when you have exported all frames of animation you, then you can save data into file
	var file: File = File.new()
	# open new file with write privlige
	file.open('user://result.gif', File.WRITE)
	# save data stream into file
	# close the file

Quantization methods

Addon supports two quantization methods:

  • Median Cut
  • Uniform (with small color adjustment)

Both method files are stored in gdgifexporter/quantization directory.

Error Codes

Some methods give error codes. These are used error codes and their meaning:

  • OK = 0 (Everything went okay)
  • EMPTY_IMAGE = 1 (Passed image object has no data in it)
  • BAD_IMAGE_FORMAT = 2 (You are using different image format than FORMAT_RGBA8)


If you want to contribute to this code then go ahead! :) Huge thanks to Kinwailo and novhack. This project wouldn't work without their help! :D

Used external libs