yolov2_tf_ios copied to clipboard
I can't find the file of quantize_graph
I have no quantization folder inside bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools. However, I have it inside tensorflow-master/tensorflow/tools/quantization. I just removed the bazel-bin and simply put tensorflow/tools/quantization/quantize_graph and it tells me can not find the directory or file. Do you know why it happen. How am I able to get a quantization folder inside bazel-bin?
This works for me on TF 1.4 recently:
python tensorflow/tools/quantization/quantize_graph.py --input=darkflow/built_graph/tiny-yolo.pb --output_node_names=output --output=quantized_tiny-yolo.pb --mode=weights
python tensorflow/tools/quantization/quantize_graph.py --input=darkflow/built_graph/tiny-yolo-voc.pb --output_node_names=output --output=quantized_tiny-yolo-voc.pb --mode=weights