twilio_client_phonegap copied to clipboard
Hello, firt of all thanks for this great plugin! keep up the good work.
at the begining i used the plugin without any issue, but now i have encuonterd some, the most urgunt one is that i can terminate a connection. when i call Twilio.Device.disconnectAll() nothing appear to happen and the connection stays alive.
i have noticed twilio has updated thier javascript sdk, when i use 1.1() the plugin works with the issues i mention, but when im using 1.2 there are much more crashes on random calls to Twilio.Device.
the other issues i have experienced: -when runing on actual android device the plugin works, but when i try to run it on genymotion it crashes on any first call to Twilio. -i can instasiate as meny connection i want simultaniusly, it that a regular behavior? i can progrematicly avoid it but the Twilio.Device.status() dosent allways works and i havnt findout when and why.
Thanks again! ask me anything to dig further.
This project doesn't actually use the Twilio Javascript SDK, so perhaps the problem is the extra JS code?
Also, I don't know if Twilio tests their SDK on Genymotion, but the plugin is using the SDK, so it's definitely possible that the underlying Twilio Android Client SDK doesn't work on Genymotion.
the plugin crush my app on reall android device as well, can you please guid me and tell me wht can cause this? it works sometimes only, and i cant tell when. the crush allways happent on the Twilio.Device.connect methhod. it crushes on this cordova line: var msgs = nativeApiProvider.get().exec(bridgeSecret, service, action, callbackId, argsJson);
i was sure i fugured it happend when you try to reach Twilio from diffrent locations on the application cuz the crush appeard onn time once i added the factory that resposible for it to a second controller. but now i have no clue.
any help would be very appriciatted, im stuck for more then 10 hours.