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Scripts for manipulating my website

These are some scripts for manipulating my website

They're probably only useful to others as examples; they're pretty tied to the layout of my site.

Licensing: GNU GPL 2 or later


proc_schedule.py (obsolete)

python proc_schedule.py view

  • shows a pretty table of upcoming events

proc_schedule.py add

  • add an event

proc_schedule.py ical

  • update the ical feed
  • might want to call this after manual editing or running add

In general add is just for convenience; if you need to edit you should open it up in a text editor


This was named when all it did was make an rss feed. Now it also builds a large number of static html pages.

python makerss.py

  • updates rss feed
  • updates public_html/news/

comment_requester_wsgi.py (obsolete)

Run this as wsgi. It needs a facebook app created for it, and it will only pull comments from your user account. To get a token use:

python comment_requester_wsgi.py fbtoken

The other half of this is included as javascript on each of my blog posts. To see the latest of that, visit:


And look down to the script that begins after

Server Setup

To migrate to a new server:

  1. Get a new VPS. Make sure there's enough disk space for growth. Do this early, since they may take some time to verify identity and provision. Write down root password.

  2. Add entry for new server to ~/.ssh/config locally

  3. ssh in as root

adduser jefftk
sudo usermod -aG sudo jefftk

# append jefftk ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

su jefftk -
mkdir .ssh

nano -w .ssh/authorized_keys
# add contents of local `~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C [email protected]

# Add contents of remote `~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub` to old server's
# `~/.ssh/authorized_keys`

Under screen:

rsync -rta www.jefftk.com:/home/jefftk /home/jefftk

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt install emacs nginx sox ffmpeg flake8 g++ gcc git icdiff \
     imagemagick lame mosh make nginx-extras python3 screen tmux uwsgi \
     uwsgi-plugin-python3 whois wget certbot python3-pip memcached \
     libimage-exiftool-perl python3-certbot-nginx

sudo python3 -m pip install python-dateutil
sudo python3 -m pip install pymemcache
python3 -m pip install lxml Pillow numpy

cd /var
sudo mkdir www-aw www-bd www-fc www-bts www-fr www-kf www-lw \
   www-nh www-nw www-oc www-rs www-test www-tc
sudo chown -R jefftk www*
sudo chown ugo+rx /home/jefftk

for x in www www-aw www-bd www-fc www-bts www-fr www-kf www-lw \
     www-nh www-nw www-oc www-rs www-test www-tc ; do
  rsync -rta www.jefftk.com:/var/$x/ /var/$x/


scp www.jefftk.com:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf .
sudo mv nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
scp www.jefftk.com:/etc/nginx/nginx.redirects.conf .
sudo mv nginx.redirects.conf /etc/nginx/
# on old server: sudo tar -czvf le.tgz /etc/letsencrypt/
scp www.jefftk.com:le.tgz .
tar -xvzf le.tgz
sudo mv etc/letsencrypt/* /etc/letsencrypt/
sudo systemctl enable nginx
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service nginx start

scp www.jefftk.com:/etc/systemd/system/uwsgi* .
sudo mv uwsgi-* /etc/systemd/system/

sudo systemctl enable uwsgi-comments
sudo systemctl enable uwsgi-simplechat
sudo systemctl enable uwsgi-echo-01
sudo systemctl enable uwsgi-echo-02
sudo systemctl enable uwsgi-shrubgrazer

sudo systemctl enable memcached
sudo service memcached start
sudo service uwsgi-comments start
sudo service uwsgi-simplechat start
sudo service uwsgi-echo-01 start
sudo service uwsgi-echo-02 start
sudo service uwsgi-shrubgrazer start

copy over the crontabs manually

  1. At VPS provider open up TCP 443 for HTTPS and UDP 60000-61000 for mosh at firewall

  2. verify everything works with /etc/hosts overrides

  3. switch dns over

  4. wait 1+ weeks before taking down the old server