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A .NET library for XBee wireless controllers
Hello there. First of all, thank you all for this amazing code. My issue here is: Why when i am trying to get the AT Command ID (GetModuleVidAsync), the code...
Hi, I am looking to send the AT command "OP" to an XBeeSeries2 device to get the operating Pan ID. I didn't see a method to send raw AT commands...
It has taken me a while to understand how to get started using this library. Its very robust and appears to offer a lot of granular control that permits growth...
I had your excellent library working just fine a while back. Then, for whatever reason, it stopped working and I'm totally at loss as to what might be my issue....
Hi, Is there a plan to manage the new HW version 66?
After installing the 1.6.4 version (from 1.6.3) , my App doesnt's fully work . - I find the local device, but the DiscoverNetworkAsync doesnt's find any Node. - Local.GetSignalStrengthAsync() always...
Thank you for creating this library! I'm a teacher and want to use your library to get my programming students working with electronics. Unfortunately much of the supplied documentation and...
Hi, I dont know if this is an issue or if I am doing something wrong. I am using win iot core UWP on the raspberry pi with Xbee S2C...
i have a system where my nodes are running in sleep mode 5. They wake up every 200(ish) seconds. I have found that controller.GetNodeAsync() will often return null after it...
Title says it all. I have all I/O disabled except for input 0 as a digital input, and DIO5 as a Digital Output(low). Pullup is set for all I/O pins....