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Simple Node.js sample application using the REST API and OAuth for CRUDing accounts.
Simple Node.js sample application using the REST API and OAuth for CRUDing accounts.
You can run the application for yourself at the following url. You can authorize access to a production or developer org (recommended) to test out the functionality.
Demo app at & blog post
Localhost Setup
The first thing you need to do is set up Remote Access for your application running locally. Log into your DE org and go to Setup -> App Setup -> Develop -> Remote Access
Create a new Remote Access and use the callback http://localhost:3001 (or whatever port you config the app for). Copy the values for the consumer key and consumer secret into app.js.
If you don't have node.js installed, you can do so from
You'll also need to install Express. The guide and quick start are available at but you can install it globally with:
npm install -g express
You'll also need to install restler, a REST client library for node.js:
npm install restler
I would also highly recommend you install node-dev!!! Node-dev is a development tool for Node.js that automatically restarts the node process when a script is modified. With node-dev you don't have to hit CTRL+C Up-Arrow Enter after every change to your Node.js application.
npm install -g node-dev
Now you can start your app with:
node-dev app.js
Heroku Setup
Create a new application on heroku:
heroku create [YOUR-APP-NAME] --stack cedar
Add it to git and then push it to heroku.
To run the application on heroku, you'll need set up another Remote Access that points to your heroku site. requires that non-localhost applications use SSL. Fortunately heroku makes it extremely easy to add SSL. The piggyback SSL add-on is now a platform feature and available by default to all Heroku applications. No need adding the add-on any more!! Just setup another Remote Access with the following callback url:
The last thing you should need to do is add your new environment variables to heroku with the following:
- heroku config:add LOGIN_SERVER=
- heroku config:add REDIRECT_URI=https://[YOUR-APP-NAME]
You can confirm your environment variables for your app with:
heroku config
Access your application running on heroku and start the OAuth dance!